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Shane Jones Is Dead Right, They Can Always LEAVE if They Don’t Like the Rules

Shane Jones is in hot water again, this time for telling moaning immigrants to sling their hook if they don’t like immigration rules.

A migrant and racism action group is calling for a public apology and resignation of Shane Jones following his “racist” comments directed towards the Indian community.

Jones, a list MP for the New Zealand First party, recently shared his  stance on Immigration New Zealand’s policy and told the Indian community  to “tame down your rhetoric” if they didn’t like the changes to visa requirements.

Immigration New Zealand’s strict requirements on partnership visas mean it will be harder for couples in an arranged marriage to bring their spouses to New Zealand.

Migrant  Workers Association and Love Aotearoa Hate Racism held a rally on  Sunday at Aotea Square in Auckland central, calling for a public  apology.

“We  had demanded just an apology, but that’s just the minimum now looking at the outrage from migrant communities,” Anu Kaloti from the Migrant Workers Association said.

“He needs to resign.”

Jones had told RNZ in October the Indian community did not have a legitimate expectation in his view to “bring your whole village to New Zealand”.

If they didn’t like it, and were threatening to go home, Jones said they should “catch the next flight home”.

Kaloti said Jones was using the same racist dog whistle as United States President Donald Trump.

“It is open blatant racism, there is no denying that. And the following  day he said Indians moving to New Zealand should learn to adapt like Maori did with the arrival of the Pakeha. He is defending colonial  oppression.”


Whatever. Shane Jones is spot on. We aren’t about to change our immigration policy because they have an archaic arranged marriage system. This is New Zealand, not some third-world backwater.

Jones is on pretty safe ground here as it is unlikely the woke will rush to support moaning immigrants as they are too busy checking their privilege and securing abortions for men.


I fail to understand why immigrants from “shit-hole countries” always want to import the customs and beliefs that made their countries shit-holes in the first place. If they want to make our country as equally shitty as their former one, why did they leave the aforementioned “shit-hole” country?

Thanks anyway for sharing your concerns, now off off you go…
