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Shane Jones Is Off the Reservation

Shane Jones

Shane Jones appears to have sent PM Jacinda Ardern a very pointed message and the fact that he felt comfortable doing it shows how powerless Ardern is to do anything about it.

The Labour Party have made a big song and dance out of their gun ban. It has garnered Ardern praise on the world stage while upsetting law-abiding gun owners at home. For Shane Jones to put on Facebook a photo of him using what appears to be one of those evil guns that the PM had banned, is a big middle finger to her and the Labour Party.

Good guns Bad guns Photoshopped image credit Pixy

Apparently, his excuse is that he wanted to see how dangerous that kind of gun really was. That excuse is about as believable as a fat man claiming that he ate all the kids’ candy because he was concerned that it would give them cavities.

It was only a short time ago that the PM smacked Jones over the hand with a wet bus ticket and told him to take the Cabinet Manual home to read. Is she going to attempt another public dressing down?

The bottom line is that Ardern is in a very weak position. If she demands that Jones be censured in any meaningful way Winston Peters is likely to override her.

Now, all we can do is sit tight and wait for the memes and photoshops that will be made from this photo.

“Squeal like a pig Boy!” ( not an actual quote.)
