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Shane Jones must be over the target such is the triggered response to his comments at Ratana:

At the annual gathering at Ratana pa last Friday, Shane Jones unleashed an unhinged attack on Pania Newton. He referred to Pania as, “a young putiputi (flower)” then doubled down on his diatribe against Pania by stating that “Pania must not pretend that she is something in the Maori world that she is not”, “you derive your mana in te reo Maori not pleasing Pakehas”.

This is an attack and put down of Pania’s mana. This is an attack on the grassroots leadership of Maori women, this is an attack on a movement that has widespread support. Pania Newton is by far one of the most widely respected natural leaders of her generation.

Jones’s foul put downs are absolutely offensive to Maori women. This is an attack on us all. Shane Jones has spent his entire political career pandering to Pakeha racism. His dismissal of women and marginalisation of Maori women leaders are commonplace, alongside his feeble promotion of male supremacy. Shane Jones has made a career out of bullying young Maori women.

Pania Newton and the SOUL collective have mobilised thousands of supporters on the ground and online; something Shane Jones has struggled to do his entire political career. She has displayed tenacity and humility to support the drive to return the whenua at Ihumatao. Pania Newton and the SOUL campaign have unified Maori and a broad cross section of our diverse communities across Aotearoa.

Definitely triggered. Take a bow, Shane Jones. So far in the past two weeks, he’s managed to trigger Greenies, Vegans, Maori, and now Maori women. He really needs to expand his triggering to the trans-gender mob because then you will really hear howling.

The BFD.

Jonesy, like Winston, missed a trick, however. He should have implored Pania Newton to get in touch with her pakeha side and start following the rule of law.

Meanwhile, there are the rumours that the government is set to splash the cash on the squatters via Auckland Council. I predicted this last week and now Duncan Garner has all but confirmed it on the AM Show yesterday morning.

While Pania Newton may be triggered, she has managed to extort private land, already settled as part of the Waitangi settlement process, and rewarded Fletchers with a healthy profit funded by you and me as taxpayers. Ardern’s actions will now open the door to other occupations by ratbag ne’er-do-wells hiding behind the Korowai of Maori interests at the expense of private landowners. Not everyone will have the resources of Fletchers to extract a profit from being a victim of lawless land occupation.

Let’s see what Winston says about paying out Fletchers to settle an illegal occupation. His response may well come as a surprise to Jacinda Ardern.

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