Shane Jones has signalled to disappointed dry voters amongst National that there is a party that won’t put up with eco-evangelism from Woke Wombles:
Outspoken NZ First MP and Minister Shane Jones has launched a scathing attack on climate-change activists who want Kiwis to eat less meat, blasting their form of “eco bible bashing”.
He has compared them to “medieval torture chamber workers” and has vowed to rally against this sort of “absolutism” as Election 2020 draws closer.
His comments come after the Government, of which he is a Minister, announced school children would be taught about climate change in class.
National’s sopping wet response to the Zero Carbon Bill and the changes to the school curriculum, have left a void and Shane Jones sees the vacuum and has sought to fill it.
Jones was critical of what he described as the “absolutism” which he said was “infecting” the climate-change debate in New Zealand.
“Absolutism is what you hear from bible bashers,” he said.
“Absolutism is what we saw in the medieval days of putting people on the rack because there was an absolute sense of conviction that their perspective was the only perspective.”
Jones added that New Zealand First has a tremendous level of interest in how our society adapts to changing weather and changing climate.
Good on him. This is a dog-whistle to those voters who are sick of po-faced climate evangelists shoving their views down everyone’s throat. There is much traction to be gained from walloping Wombles.
[…] our party is deeply suspicious of any scientist who starts preaching this gospel of absolutism – we don’t like that and we’re not going to acquiesce in that.
“If you stand up for industry, that doesn’t mean that you are denying the existence of changing climate and changing weather.”
He said some of the activists were like the “medieval torture chamber workers [who] don’t want you to talk about adaptation.
“They want you to join their shrill voices.”
And Jones said he has no plans to stop eating meat.
“I won’t be desisting from eating copious qualities of kaimoana [seafood] or meat – that’s how I grew up.”
A Newspaper
And neither will this writer. The political year is getting interesting. National can only blame themselves if this sort of thing gains traction. When you ignore your base and pursue Woke policies, your party will go broke.
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