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Malala’s blindfold. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

Perhaps it’s of a piece with their notable predilection for grooming children, but the left have a sinister fondness for making political voodoo dollies out of little girls, whether it’s perpetually-scowling Greta Thunberg or the ludicrous “fearless girl” statue (seriously, plonking a child in front of a charging bull isn’t “fearless”, it’s suicidally stupid).

Then there’s the onanistic left’s favourite political wanking material, Malala Yousafzai.

Of course, criticising their beloved Islamo-dolly is apt to set the left into furious screechings of how “She got shot in the head by the Taliban!” A horrible thing, of course – but, let’s be honest, anyone can get shot by the Taliban, and every year thousands. Including, as it happens, several other classmates of whom the Western left have certainly never heard.

What most of the Taliban’s victims don’t do, though, is parlay that kind of personal tragedy into a multi-million-dollar career as an apologist for Islamic extremists.

Wait, what? Feminist icon and one-time Taliban victim Saint Malala an apologist for Islamic extremists? But she stands up for the rights of girls everywhere!

Well, as it turns out, not all girls, and not everywhere.

In the “holy” Islamic month of Ramadan, a 14-year-old Christian girl, Myra Shebaz, was abducted by a group of Muslim men led by a man named Muhammad Naqash in Pakistan’s Faisalabad. The armed abductors fired a round of bullets in the air warning onlookers against any retaliation before forcing Myra into their car. The Movement for Solidarity and Peace, a human rights organization in the country, attests that about 1000 non-Muslim girls aged between 15 and 25 are converted and forcefully married off to Muslim men every year. Back in February, the Pakistani high court determined that the forced conversion and marriage of another 14-year-old Christian girl, Huma Younos, to an older Muslim man was legitimate and permissible. Myra, too, was married to her abductor. These cases have become so commonplace in Pakistan that they fail to shock us now.

Surely Malala was all up in arms about this? As it happens, the only action she took was to block anyone who asked her about it on Twitter.

An Indian Twitter user sought her help in saving two Hindu teenagers who had been abducted and forcefully converted to Islam on Holi in 2019. Yet this demi-goddess of courage who doesn’t tire of waxing eloquent about women-empowerment could sum up no better response to a call for help than to block the Twitter user immediately.

Sikhs in India and Pakistan protested vociferously about the abduction and forced conversion of Sikh girl Jagjit Kaur in Pakistan in 2015.

This heinous incident was followed up by yet another abduction and religious conversion of a Hindu girl by a member of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Pakistan’s ruling party. Sindh has been infamous since antiquity for its stories of stolen brides. Yet not a word of condemnation or concern flashed out of Malala’s blue-ticked Twitter account against these evil practices that are rampant in her country. This is a Nobel laureate who has been decorated for her struggle against the oppression of children […]

With her proclivity for publishing open letters, why not address one to the government and people of her own country and make an appeal to end this decades-old monstrosity of targeting vulnerable girls of hapless families from the religious minorities in Pakistan – the peaceful and welcoming homeland she keeps selling to her fans in the west?

Jihad Watch

A homeland so peaceful and welcoming that she won’t even live there, preferring instead to live in safety and luxury in Britain. From where she undertakes such notable charity as making big donations to the UN schools in Gaza, which are notorious for promoting anti-Jewish hatred and playing host to Hamas rocket arsenals.

Surprisingly, she or her father has [sic] never criticized ISIS for brutally raping and killing non-Muslim women in Syria and Iraq. She never urged the UN to take immediate action in order to save Yazidi girls from clutches of Islamic State. However, the Nobel Peace Prize winner has urged people to not blame Muslims for terrorism.

Jihad Watch

She makes the common, but curious, argument that, “The more you speak about Islam and against all Muslims, the more terrorists we create.” For a start, few people speak “against all Muslims” – just the rape-y, bomb-y, head-choppy ones. But the argument is rather telling: why will criticising Islam create terrorists? After all, Christianity is vociferously criticised, 24-7 – yet the demographics of terror belong almost entirely to Islam.

As Sam Harris has said, if Islam really is a “religion of peace”, then Islamic extremists should be extremely peaceful.

That notably is not the case. Just don’t ask Malala about it, or she’ll block you.
