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Sheriff Collins and the Hell’s Angels Gang




Missie Ardern’s sainthood has been elevated to that of an angelic being.

COWBOY JACK (Jackson) is referring to Missie Ardern as “MY ANGEL”.

But is she an “angel of light,” an “angel of darkness” or a “red angel” that brings destruction?


The RED ANGEL only wants to talk about Covid, which she is good at.

Missie Ardern wants to waltz in and take the election for sheriff by keeping STUM.
How right was dear SWEETIE (Paula) when she told her to “ZIP IT”.
That was a prophetic utterance if ever I have heard one.

It’s all turning into an Orwellian nightmare,
While the RED ANGEL keeps STUM on policy, CLERK BLOOMFIELD is trying to SCARE “The britches off us” by telling us the COVID GANG Are coming Back.
He told Galloping Garner its not a matter of IF but WHEN.
BAKER BOY from Otago is always there to back him up.

IF YOU ARE SCARIN’ TOWNSFOLK they Won’t Be Able to think straight.
The recent “DUCKSPEAK” might be believed.
Posters warning about the Covid Gang are up everywhere again. But
Posters of me have disappeared from the town square!
When I blamed “THE OTHER LOT” a few eyebrows were raised but not my own this time.

I think I need some “angelic protection”  myself.
I’ll crank up the phonograph and imbibe Robbie William’s “ANGELS”.

“And through it all, she offers me protection, A lot of love and affection, Whether I’m right or wrong, And down the waterfall, Whatever it may take me, I know that life won’t break me, When I come to call, she won’t forsake me, I’m loving Angels instead.

I’ve decided to “move a few more mountains”, so that has brung the tunnels up to six. Some people have tunnel vision but not us.


Yes, that is the gang our ex Posse member JLR was joined up with. It was a bit of A “HAIL MARY PASS” for BTK as he was not registered in time for election of sheriff whereas JLR was. Their combined gang is called ANZPP.

“FACE-ON” (Zuckerbergs) is where BTK is to be found with 20,000 signed up cowhands. This is more than the TWERK GANG.( Seymour) They actually engage with just as many cowpokes as us. BTK is quietly charismatic and could poach some cowhands from other possies.

If the CAPITAL LETTERS GANG want to brand Missie Ardern as the “RED ANGEL”
Spearheading world domination through UN employee friends like CLARK and CLERK BLOOMFIELD so be it.

Election for Sheriff has never seen anything like it.
Smaller gangs for sheriff has usually been back’d up by Carpet-Baggers like, Opportunity Party or the Conservatives.

This time it is the CAPITAL LETTERS GANG with a populist backing.
They have more members than the larger possies.
Bound to be an Upset!

Here’s looking at you kid, (ARDERN)
Down the hatch,
Punch and Judy.

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