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Is some of the Fairy Dust coming off our ‘Princess’?
Facebook is usually where Our Dear Leader cements her popularity but not after the “Howl of Protest” up and down the country on Friday 16 July when Ardern presented Live.

For the first time, there were plenty of “angry faces” – 7,500 of them, according to Claire Trevett (NZ Herald) – among the 20,000 responses. This is over a third of those who responded to Ardern. There were plenty of angry comments as well. Trevett sees it as the first scratch in the Teflon that Covid coated her with.

Finn Hogan on Newshub’s Nation weighed in as well on IT Traffic.  He said Labour’s support had gone down, and that National’s memes were doing well, especially the “bite you on the bum” Ute Tax one. He said a click is still a click even if it’s a Hate one.

Jack Body’s cartoon in the NZ Herald had Trev from the farm with a placard at the “howl of protest” that read “She’s still a pretty Communist.”

This is not far from the truth. The BFD has a video from 2009, showing Comrade Ardern addressing IUSY – International  Union Socialist Youth – when she was President. She used the term ‘Comrade’ 15 times.

Comrade Ardern chillingly says if you come from a small organisation or a “small country” you can have “solidarity” with your comrades. Did she mean through the United Nations? We have already accepted some UN dictates, the latest one leading to He Puapua.

Just 8 years after this Socialist Youth Festival she became New Zealand’s Prime Minister.  This is pretty fast work for a young lass. In the “Comrade” video mentioned above, she said there was a “neo-liberal crisis” and it was “time to move beyond rhetoric”. She certainly has with her changes to New Zealand. As Shakespeare put it in Richard III, “Plots have I laid and Inductions dangerous”. These words could have come straight from ‘Comrade’ Ardern herself.

Certainly, collectivisation, a favourite of the USSR, has got underway in New Zealand in the areas of water, hospitals and the RMA.

Labour’s slogan was “Build back Better”. Steven Joyce (NZ Herald) has already said the new rules will make housing scarcer not better. Farmers have also lost land to the SNAs.

In George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 the world that Winston Smith existed in was the state of “Oceania” where BB or Big Brother was in charge. In NZ it is now BS or “Big Sister” Ardern. To understand ‘Comrade’ Ardern is to understand that she is a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. Only the ideology matters. If a few freedoms that we have always held dear are trampled along the way, so be it. Big Sister is in charge.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

“Thought crime” in Orwell’s Oceania was under constant surveillance by way of installed screens where Big Brother could make an announcement at any time. If a miscreant was spotted he was arrested by the “Thought Police”. This has shades of our new Hate Speech laws, which no politician will give us an example of. Citizens will be unsure about what is permissible.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit SadButTrue

Andrea Vance (Stuff) was almost thanking God for the flooding in Westport. She thought those cocky farmers couldn’t take God for granted especially after “Howling” at Ardern. There was actually a flood in Westport 100 years ago, so bang goes Vance’s theory of retribution to farmers by God or Mother Nature as she calls it. Vance was probably taking out some kind of insurance for criticising Our Dear Leader recently over redacted OIA’s and lack of transparency by the government.

Big Sister’s Red Revolution is already happening in New Zealand, but perhaps the tables are starting to turn. Tracey Chapman puts it like this in her song. “Talkin Bout a Revolution.”

Talkin Bout a Revolution.
Cause finally the tables are starting to turn,
Talkin bout a Revolution,
Yes finally the tables are starting to turn,
Talkin bout a Revolution, Oh!

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