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Shh Don’t Mention That Recording

The BFD.

Simon Bridges is visiting both India and China at the moment “to strengthen trade ties and diplomatic relationships.” Sources tell us that in China he has only been able to secure meetings with Provincial Mayors because they do not rate him highly in China.

Bridges’ comment about the value of Indians versus Chinese to the National party may come back to haunt him during his trip.

The Indian Association of New Zealand is demanding an apology from National Party leader Simon Bridges after a secret recording of him discussing the value of ethnic minorities […]
Association president Veer Khar said the association, which represents Kiwi Indians in South Auckland including Ross’ Botany electorate, took strong exception to their comments about whether Indians were worth as much as Chinese.

“[…] The conversation…clearly highlights the MMP system breeds tokenism and the association believes that this system bringing in MPs just for raising party funds needs to be thoroughly re-looked into.” […]

“Two Chinese would be nice but then you know, would it be one Chinese and one Filipino? Or, you know, what do we do?” Bridges was heard saying.
Ross replied: “Two Chinese would be more valuable than two Indians I have to say.”
Then Bridges said: “Yeah, which is what we’ve got at the moment, right?”

NZ Herald

According to Stuff Bridges is seeking a blessing while he is in India. What a wet. Perhaps the trip is for fundraising as well as a way to promote trade between the two countries?

“China and India make up 35 per cent of the world’s population,” Bridges said.
“By 2050 China and India are expected to be the two largest economies in the world. We need to ensure that we’re open for business with these important markets,” Bridges said.
“This week National released our Economic Discussion Document where we proposed committing to doubling our two way trade with China from $30 billion to $60 billion over the next decade.[…]


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A jury at the Auckland High Court has found Dr Philip Polkinghorne not guilty of killing his wife, Pauline Hanna, in their Remuera home in April 2021. 

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