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Shop at Farmlands? Get This Shirt Now

Your mask is as useless as Jacinda

Farmlands are the latest store to deploy discriminatory and pointless policies against their own customers. They’ve chucked someone out of their store and trespassed them for the high crime of not wearing a mask:

A woman has been left shocked and hurt after being kicked out of a Farmlands store for not wearing a mask, despite having a medical exemption.

Reyne Love was shopping for gumboots in Palmerston North with her husband and three young children when the incident unfolded.

She told Newshub they were about to pay for their items at the agricultural supplies retailer when Love says an employee aggressively ran towards them and yelled at her to leave for not wearing a mask.

She said the man went “full-on attack mode”, pointing his finger at her and telling her she is trespassed. She said she has a mask exemption, but the man was not having it.

“I was a bit in shock because I have had run-ins with people before regarding masks, but I have never been blatantly attacked like that before,” Love said.

Love laid a complaint with Farmlands’ head office and tried to at her regular Farmlands store in Feilding, where she realised it was all stores that had stopped allowing mask exemptions.

The manager of the Feilding store was apologetic and told her they had been instructed by the CEO to no longer accept mask exemptions.

“I just left the store in tears… That’s the first time over two years that I just actually felt really broken.”

A Farmlands spokesperson said the organisation had changed its rules during the height of the pandemic, taking a cautious approach in an effort to decrease staff sickness, which they said was successful.

They confirmed Farmlands would accept mask exemptions again starting Monday, when the Government’s relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions sets in.


They have no way of knowing whether or not their policy was successful. I call bull dust on that. But what they have shown is that they are led by donkeys. I’m was surprised the CEO’s name wasn’t Karen.

The scientific evidence is unequivocal: masks don’t work at stopping the transmission of Covid-19.

As to the science, I wish people would understand even just a bit of statistics 101. Getting clear about absolute and relative risk would be a good start. The PM’s 53% reduction from spurious data (vide supra) is relative risk .

I quote from the BMJ – serendipitous that THEY have a guide to this.

AR (absolute risk) = the number of events (good or bad) in treated or control groups, divided by the number of people in that group.
ARC = the AR of events in the control group.
ART = the AR of events in the treatment group.
ARR (absolute risk reduction) = ARC – ART.
RR (relative risk) = ART / ARC.

So you can have a control group having 0.6% of their group having an event and the study group having 0.3% of the group experiencing the event. The RR is 50% but the ARR is 0.3%.

Quoting RR is often misleading and exaggerates how helpful something may be. The 53% we are being beaten with is RR. Do you think the person beating us with it knows the difference between ARR and RR? Do you think if she does, she cares?

David Theobald

Farmlands are a disgrace. If you live in Palmerston North or Feilding and shop at Farmlands, then you need to wear this shirt when shopping there.

Your mask is as useless as Jacinda

Let Farmlands staff know how useless their policy is. If Reyne Love contacts us via the tipline we will arrange a FREE t-shirt for her next visit to the store.

Make your voice known about how useless mask wearing is. Wear your shirt with pride and wipe that smug look off the Karens’ faces.

Please share this article so others can discover The BFD.
