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Showing Their True Colours: Cowards and Bullies All

They boast they’re not afraid, then they hide.

If this is how you choose to mark October 7, you really are a turd. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If your mother ever told you that all bullies are cowards at heart, she was right.

Look at Hamas, for instance: bullies who swagger when they’re murdering unarmed women and children, then run and hide like pathetic cowards when soldiers with guns come for them. Their fanbois in Australia are even more gutless.

For all their blatherskite about not being afraid of the Australian police, and how willing they are to be martyrs for Hamas and Hezbollah, when push comes to shove, they backtrack faster than Yahya Sinwar scurrying like a rat into his hole.

First, the bullying.

A Jewish memorial in Melbourne that was organised to commemorate hostages taken into Gaza on October 7 has been disrupted by pro-Palestinian activists.

Let’s drop the ‘pro-Palestinian’ euphemism, and call these scum what they are: anti-Semites. This is simply a repeat of what the bastards did on October 9, last year, when they stormed the Sydney Opera House, chanting, ‘Gas the Jews!’

The sheer repugnance of their disgusting actions can only be compared to a mob of black-clad neo-Nazis storming a Holocaust memorial, waving Nazi flags and chanting ‘Heil Hitler’.

But, bullies that they are, they’re too gutless even to fly the flags of their terror idols.

Hardcore anti-Israel protesters have openly celebrated Hezbollah and Iran’s Islamic fundamentalist regime in the streets on the eve of the anniversary of the Oct­ober 7 massacre, and mocked police by flaunting modified ­images of terrorists and terror symbols.

So much for ‘not afraid of the police’. Cowards.

Earlier in the day, Police Minister Yasmin Catley said anyone caught waving banners marked with terror symbols or images of terror leaders should expect to be arrested […]

In what appeared a blatant attempt to skirt the warnings, dozens of protesters waved banners that appeared to be very similar to the flag of the terror group.

Funny how they managed to get so many flags screen-printed in just a few days after police issued arrest warnings.

If we had a government with any guts, their cowardly attempt to evade the law wouldn’t work.

Opposition home affairs spokesperson James Paterson said he disagreed with the advice given to police, saying those who displayed any attributes of a terror symbol could and should be charged. “Protesters were openly mocking police today by displaying flags which closely resemble Hezbollah symbols. But the joke is on them,” he said. “The prohibited hate symbols legislation captures the logos of listed terrorist organisations and anything which resembles them. They should be charged under the law or it will continue to be flouted.”

One Sydney man was arrested on Sunday for altering the Jewish flag to replace the Star of David with a Nazi swastika. [Assistant Commissioner Peter McKenna] said the 56-year-old would be charged shortly.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the Labor government to do anything, though.

On the other hand, we didn’t have to wait at all for the Greens to stoop even lower than ever and scrape the barrel of pure evil.

The Greens have accused the “extremist” Israeli government of “genocide” and “war crimes” on the one year anniversary of the October 7 terrorist attacks.

Yes, they really did this.

But the Greens, and their pro-Hamas pals, are sadly deluding themselves if they think ordinary Australians are behind them.

Australians have strongly rejected the use of public protests to take sides in the widening conflict in the Middle East, with 59 per cent of voters opposing the marches as thousands of protesters take to the streets ahead of the anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

More than twice as many Australians want the government to support Israel as Palestine – and even more want to keep Australia out of it altogether.

There’s a salutary lesson for the Greens in the poll, too: half of their own voters don’t appprove of their blatant anti-Semitism.

The Resolve survey finds that 22 per cent of voters said Dutton and the Coalition had responded best to the Middle East conflict, while 18 per cent name Albanese and Labor. Another 6 per cent favour the Greens and their leader, Adam Bandt.

Maybe people are finally starting to see the Greens for what they are: just like the ‘pro-Palestine’ mob; disgusting bullies and cowards.

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