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Silence of the Feminists Is Tacit Consent

Just one of the searing images from October 7. The BFD.

In all the cacaphonic honking and hooting of the anti-Semitic “pro-Palestine” chorus since October 7, something has been conspicuous by its absence: where are the feminists?

The demented frightbats who screech and squawk about imaginary “rape culture” in the West have been entirely silent at the very real and horrifying brutal rape culture of their Pally poster boys.

Don’t think Jewish women aren’t noticing the anti-Semitic double-standards of Western feminists.

Hundreds of Australian Jewish women have condemned the selective silence of women’s rights organisations about the rape, murder and kidnapping of Israeli women and children by Hamas on October 7.

Around 600 women dressed in white with some carrying signs saying “#MeToo unless you’re a Jew” protested at a rally in Elsternwick in Melbourne’s southeast calling for women’s right’s organisations, feminist commentators and all politicians to ‘unequivocally’ condemn the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7.

Don’t hold your breaths, ladies. The left will condemn Hamas’ shocking use of rape as a terror weapon some time after they finally admit that Hamas uses its own people as human shields and hospitals as rocket ranges.

Which will be shortly after those haram pigs grow wings.

The protest came only days after woman’s rights group UN Women broke almost two months of silence by belatedly recognising the sexual violence of Hamas during its October 7 rampage in Israeli that left 1200 dead.

Next thing you know, they’ll be writing Hamas a letter, telling them how disappointed they are.

The rally also follows months of relative silence from woman’s rights groups about the rape and murder of Jewish women committed by Hamas despite those same groups protesting the deaths of Palestinian women in Gaza during the current Israel-Hamas war.

“In the days since October 7 we have heard little to nothing from women’s organisations denouncing the attacks,’ Jackie Frank, the founding editor of Marie Claire Australia told the crowd. ‘Barely a single woman or feminist organisation raised any voice of either criticising the horrible deeds of Hamas or solidarity to their fellow sisters.’

Kylie Moore-Gilbert, an Australian academic who was wrongfully held prisoner by Iran for more than two years, said feminists should not be selective about the victims of rape and sexual violence […]

Singer Deborah Conway, who performed at the rally, said it has been a confronting couple of months and the rally was a way to stand in solidarity with the female sexual victims of Hamas, ‘to shine a light, and to mourn.’

“The rapes, dismemberments, burnings, the slaughter of babies, the hostage taking, so much savagery all enacted with ferocious glee on October 7, have been compounded by the silence from so many organisations whose voices have previously been so loud in this space,” Ms Conway told The Australian. “The best they could come up with were mealy mouthed statements of moral equivalence. The inability to pronounce disgust, to express condemnation for the barbarity of using rape as a weapon, was utterly shocking; a wake-up call to Jews, particularly Jewish women.”

The Australian

And “barbarity”, she means, “animalistic bloodlust on a scale to shame an SS Einsatzgruppen.

“I saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her. She was screaming, ‘Stop it – already I’m going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me!’ When they finished they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head […]

The horror did not end there. Hiding in bushes, he saw two more Hamas fighters. “They had caught a young woman near a car and she was fighting back, not allowing them to strip her. They threw her to the ground and one of the terrorists took a shovel and beheaded her and her head rolled along the ground.”

We don’t need to rely just on eyewitnesses to Palestinian savagery, either. Forensic evidence is horrifying.

Israeli police have begun their biggest investigation into sexual violence and crimes against women. “It’s clear now that sexual crimes were part of the planning and the purpose was to terrify and humiliate people,” says Shelly Harush, the police commander leading the investigation.

They have collected thousands of statements, photographs and video clips, which she says “as a Jewish mother the mind and soul cannot bear”, including “girls whose pelvises were broken they had been raped so much” […]

Those tasked with collecting the bodies began reporting that many of the women were naked and bleeding from the genitals […]

“Their faces were in anguish and often their fingers clenched as they died. We saw women whose pelvises were broken. Legs broken. There were women who had been shot in the crotch, in the breasts … there seems no doubt what happened to them.”

The Australian

You want to talk about “rape culture”, Western feminists? Well, there it is, in all its horror.
And you’re defending it with your silence.

If not open approval: at least one prominent feminist has made her views revoltingly clear. Misandrist harpy Clementine Ford is only too happy to out herself as an anti-Semite as well.

This one goes out to all the Zionist women… I DON’T CARE BABES […] You are not the victims.


No surprises that Clammy has another unreadable “book” to promote before it ends up in the remainder bins with the rest.

But, according to Clammy, Israeli women deserved to get raped because they’re “white” and “colonisers”.

Which, logically, leaves Clammy herself where…?
