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Silly Children Cry and Stamp Their Feet

Separated at birth. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Australia is governed by children. Shrieking, squalling, attention-seeking, and very, very, very silly children. And that’s just the Prime Minister.

Anthony Albanese was criticised for his “shouty” behaviour during debates, before the election. Since finally returning to Australian soil after the election, he’s quickly earned the sobriquet, “Shouty McShoutface”.

He’s got a lot of contenders, though.

Monique “The Mong from Kooyong” Ryan was doing her best impersonation of the Cat Lady from The Simpsons, last week. Looking like a bag lady dragged in from the Civic mall, just down the street, Ryan howled and gesticulated wildly at the opposition benches, for not wearing masks.

Separated at birth. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When it was pointed out that Teal Karen wasn’t wearing a mask at the time, the Mong huffed that she didn’t have to wear a mask while speaking. Gosh, it’s a tricky little virus, isn’t it, to tell the difference between when someone is speaking or just, y’know, breathing.

Other wags dredged up a slew of photos of the Mong the Mussed-up, sans mask, at public gatherings, from election parties to the halls of Parliament House.

Meanwhile, there’s talk of a GoFundMe, because a parliamentarian’s salary apparently doesn’t cover things like a hair-brush.

In the upper house, as well, the Greens aren’t bothering to scrub for the occasion.

Nationals MP Pat Conaghan has interrupted new Greens MP Max Chandler Mather during Question Time, calling a point of order over his attire.

It is customary for a male to wear a jacket, collar and tie inside the House of Representatives, however new Greens MPs Mr Chandler-Mather and Stephen Bates have chosen not to wear ties.

The Australian

Ooh, such rebels. This is kindy-level stuff from a bunch of twits who want to take the money but play-act at being “non-conformists”.

Speaking of play-acting children.

Aboriginal Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has taken a swipe at Lidia Thorpe after she made a Black Power salute and labelled the Queen a “coloniser” in the Senate.

The Greens Senator was preparing to take the parliamentary oath on Monday when she walked to the central table of the chamber with her right fist raised in the air.

She then proceeded to reluctantly recite and tweak the oath of allegiance, which sitting members must take prior to serving the Queen.

After that, she went and slammed her office door and sulked for the rest of the afternoon, in between applying fresh layers of RapidTan, to keep her lily-white complexion from blinding the cameras.

OK, who did this? The BFD.

Meanwhile, people with more than a single, part-Aboriginal ancestor buried four-generations deep in their family tree, are not impressed by the childish theatrics.

Senator Price suggested ministers who do not take the oath “then simply don’t take the job” before criticising the “immaturity” of Senator Thorpe.

“There is definitely a level of immaturity about that kind of behaviour,” she said, according to The Australian.

“If you want to be a protester, then this isn’t the place for it. Go ahead and join the resistance, but we are there to be legislators for the benefit of our nation.”

The Australian

Thorpe is cut from the same poo-stained nappy as Chloe Swarbrick and Julie-Anne Genter, or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, not to mention Democrats who staged a silly “sit-in” of the House, a few years back. These are people who are paid hundreds of thousands to be law-makers, carrying on like student activists, screaming and crying for attention.

No wonder our countries are stuffed.
