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Soyman the Clown. Photoshopped image credit Rick H


Harsh truths ahead.
Time to put on your rose-tinted glasses, plug your ears and sing la,la,la,la

Simon Bridges, after a week of talking tough, folded faster than a deck chair sat on by a fat lass.

Trevor Mallard has out-foxed the Clown Prince of National.

National Party leader Simon Bridges has changed his tune  and decided to comply with the Speaker’s ruling by taking down all National’s attack videos that feature Parliament TV footage.

This will mean that Speaker Trevor Mallard’s restrictions on the number of questions Bridges can ask during Question Time will be lifted.

Bridges’ compliance appears to be in contrast with his statements on  Tuesday, when he said it was doubtful the videos would be removed from  social media.

“The feedback has been overwhelming. People want to see, from us, important issues,” Bridges said on Tuesday.

Singing a different tune today, Bridges said that removing  the videos will mean the current review of Standing Orders – including  the rules around the use of Parliament TV footage – will progress more  quickly.

“We have agreed to that action and are  encouraged by the timeline for resolution of these matters, which should  be concluded by early November,” Bridges said.

“National will remove the videos by 5pm today.”

-A Newspaper

How embarrassing. Clearly Simon Bridges has the spine of a jellyfish. He just looks pathetic, but that was always going to be the case when the rules he didn’t like were, in fact, his own party’s rules.

This is precisely why his approval rating is a very poor -22%.

This was his strategy, to challenge the Speaker, and it took just three days of Question Time to crack the very weak nut that is Simon Bridges. I’ve seen bigger balls on a eunuch.

Simon Bridges in his office after capitulating to Trevor Mallard

After capitulating so easily to Trevor Mallard he should take the next step and quit as leader.
