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Photoshopped image credit: The BFD

Simon is afraid. He writes – “I’m scared. I didn’t use to be scared. I’m usually the optimist in the room. Wilfully and happily so, I’m Pollyanna”. Simon rather reminds me of a shiver looking for a spine to crawl up.

Over lunch, at the risk of a severe bout of indigestion, I let my eyes wander over a two page spread by Simon Wilson. Now I am aware a lot of you are not keen on Simon’s literary efforts as they tend to contain elements of future fantasy rather than the real world. Simon is afraid and he’s afraid on many fronts. His fear is largely of his own making due to the choices he makes in what he chooses to believe in. This is most unfortunate because I believe Simon is causing himself undue angst.

Simon’s first bout of fear is caused, not unsurprisingly, by one Donald J Trump. According to Simon, there are the militias, mainly white men, sometimes thousands strong, armed with military-grade weapons. They dress in bandannas and camo gear and shout slogans. They call themselves Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and they’re training to defend, they say, their values and way of life.

Photoshopped image credit: The BFD

Simon says the President of the United States, campaigning in an election he says could be “stolen” from him through “voter fraud”, although there is no evidence for it, has encouraged these armed groups to “stand back and stand by”. I must say I have yet to hear Trump ever mention support for these types at any of his rallies. I think he’s too clever for that. As for voter fraud, I am aware you won’t hear any mention of it on CNN Simon, but I have seen ample evidence of problems already surfacing in this election.

So Trump, on the one hand, allegedly supports a modern-day Klu Klux Klan yet on the other is in the process of doing what no other President has been able to achieve: peace deals in the Middle East. Something that should ease Simon’s fears. Did he mention that in his article? Of course not, because the left-wing must never be seen to give even scant praise to Donald J Trump. You must accentuate the negative and eliminate the positive.

Simon then turns his attention to the current favourite theme of the left, Covid, the runny nose that won his favourite PM Jacinda the election. As all left-wing journalists do when reporting deaths from Covid Simon uses the thousands figure. He muses that, despite having the most sophisticated healthcare services and largest economy the world has seen (due to Donald J Trump), America was miserably and scandalously unable to protect itself from the Covid pandemic. In order to back up this piece of penned rubbish, he says deaths have exceeded 225,000.

He goes on to say that record numbers of new cases are now being reported daily and experts (no doubt the ones Simon listens to on CNN) fear the growth is about to become exponential. It’s a nightmare, says Simon. We can take it as read that this is again all the fault of one Donald J Trump. What Simon and the other leftie journalists won’t tell you, because they’d prefer you not to know, is that the number of deaths represents about 0.07 per cent of the population. So if America is having a nightmare so are many other countries who have a similar percentage of deaths per head of population.

There is a lot more commenting fodder in Simon’s article which I will cover in another article. He goes on to talk about local issues and politicians and bemoans why things aren’t being achieved. Here’s what you need to realise Simon. You would never admit it, you may not even realise it, but Trump gets things done, both on the economic front and in foreign affairs. The reason is, Simon, he is a BUSINESSMAN and not a politician. He does deals. He lives in the real world and not the world that your mate Phil Goff and your other trendy leftie friends live in. The reason they don’t achieve as you would like Simon is because they are POLITICIANS.

That is the difference – and that is your problem Simon.

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