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Image credit: The Australian

Poor lefties. They were cheated out of indulging in their annual orgy of bashing all things male and white when ANZAC Day services were cancelled this year. Even worse, ordinary Australians and New Zealanders still got to show their patriotism and respect, as millions of candles flickered at dawn from driveways on both sides of the Tasman.

Still, the left are nothing if not determined to denigrate everything about our history, so they’re seizing on the 250th anniversary of James Cook’s magnificent second voyage to luxuriate in a circle-jerk of spittle-flecked denunciation. As Orwell noted, sneering contempt for one’s own country is an obligatory sentiment among the left-elite.

Victoria’s Public Sector Commission has confirmed it will investigate whether Deputy Chief Health Officer Annaliese van Diemen contravened the Public Administration Act when she compared Captain Cook to coronavirus in a tweet.

As is usual with the left-elite, historical fact, let alone basic logic, play a distant second to right-on virtue-signalling to the leftist peanut gallery of Twitter.

Dr van Diemen tweeted on Thursday: “Sudden arrival of an invader from another land, decimating populations, creating terror. Forces the population to make enormous sacrifices & completely change how they live in order to survive. COVID-19 or Cook 1770?’’

Ms Van Diemen might want to reflect on the irony of her own name before swiping at the great European explorers.

More importantly, she might care to read the Public Administration Act.

The act stipulates that public servants must demonstrate impartiality, strive to “earn and sustain public trust of a high level” and adhere to the code of conduct and social media guidelines. The code of conduct states that public sector employees must “conduct themselves in an apolitical manner”.

The “Public Trust” section of the social media guidelines states that “Whether using social media for official use, or in a private capacity, staff must not do anything that may adversely affect their standing as a public official or which could bring themselves or the public sector into disrepute.”

The guidelines cite “engaging in a heated debate or argument” as an example of social media use which “increases the risk of reputational damage”.

“Day off” or not, she sent the tweet in her official capacity of “Deputy CHO Victoria”. The usual suspects like Islamo-foghorn Yassmin Abel-Magied can screech all they like about “free speech”, but the instant you’re on the public dime, your free speech is off the table. You’re not a private citizen any more, you’re a public servant and you’re bound not just by the Public Service Act but by your contract of employment.

See that red circle? That’s where your free speech ends. The BFD.

If this educated idiot wants to spout of her moronic opinions, then she must either quit her taxpayer-funded luxury or get an anonymous account where her word is worth exactly what it is: nothing more than any other opinionated loudmouth spouting off down the pub. And they’re just as stupid. As Liberal frontbencher Tim Smith schooled the taxpayer-funded “feminist”, You do realise the settlement of Australia wasn’t decided by Captain Cook – he died in 1779 – and the Colony of New South Wales was founded nine years after his death by Captain Arthur Phillip?

Former opposition leader Matthew Guy said it was no surprise COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions “are different in Victoria to anywhere else in Australia”.

“We are being governed by hard left nutters,” he said.

Van Diemen was also given an Aboriginal perspective by Jacinta Nampijinpa Price:

I think for the vast majority of us quiet Australians of all backgrounds we’re at the end of our tether with these divisive virtue signallers. The irony is if such people actually believed their own ridiculous nonsense they’d find a country better suited to their values to live in. I mean if this medical professional really wanted to stand by what she claims then she should pack up and move to the land of her ancestors to show just how virtuous she really is[…]

We were never going to remain untouched forever. It is fact that any clash of cultures, change to any culture, severe or even peaceful is painful and turbulent[…]We should be proud of our Australian spirit, the way we come together when times are bloody tough and the way we can live in love and peace as a blended society of humans of many different backgrounds. This is what is getting us through right now and will continue to get us through when we are faced with adversity.

It’s long past time for the quiet Australians to get very loud in the face of these taxpayer-funded idiots, educated far beyond their capacity for coherent thought.

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