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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

Today’s snitch of the day is angry with the wrong people. The public has zero control over the economy-killing, suicide causing, business and job-destroying lockdowns. They are at the whim of Jacinda Ardern and her fellow Elites in their well-paid government towers.

Ardern may choose to blame the public when attempting to justify causing mental and financial harm to the population but remember this is the person who has thrown us into a level 4 lockdown because of a single case and taken us out of lockdowns when the case count was significantly higher than when we were originally locked down. Anyone who seriously thinks that our compliance will earn us our freedom is deluded.

You cannot comply yourself out of tyranny.

No one was arrested and everyone dispersed about five minutes later, the witness said.

“I was shaking … I was so angry. I know people who are losing their businesses [because of lockdowns].

“How are people misunderstanding [level 3 rules], or is it that people know but don’t care?”

NZ Herald

Read the article in full here. Comment on it on The BFD.
