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So Anyway, What Are You Lot Up To?

The bach at Mangawhai. TheBFD

As you may have noticed, The BFD staff are taking a bit of time out from their hectic schedules and only a skeleton staff are looking after the site.

Most of the rest of us are enjoying a bit of a break and hopefully you all are too. So I thought it might be interesting to see where about in the world everyone has found themselves for their holidays.

I’ve managed to get to our bach up North at Mangawhai Heads with most of my family in tow including one dog and our daughter complete with new grandson, who at only 10 weeks old is way more boring than he will be next year! But he does provide a very good excuse to get out and go for a walk.

Not far off paradise. Boat currently being re-named ‘Orange Boat Bad’.

Thankfully he wasn’t onboard the boat when the motor cut out this morning on the way back across the bar! I tell ya, you have to think fast when that happens. Fortunately we managed to save ourselves, but it is a good reminder to carry a radio and to be always wearing your lifejackets as we were. I just don’t understand people going out across a bar without wearing them, I guess you just can’t fix the stupid in some people.

And it looks like it’s a busy time for the local emergency responders. The siren has just gone off for the third time today! So big up’s to the local Police, Fire, Ambulance and Surf Lifeguards legends who are out there every day helping us out of danger.

So be safe out there people, and please feel free to let us know in the comments below what you’re up to and where you’re holed up for your hols, and maybe chuck a photo up to show off.

It’s been a hell of a year, one quite frankly I’m glad to see the back of, but among all the crappy things that have happened this year, there is plenty to be joyful about too. This time last year, I had absolutely no idea I would be changing nappies again!

I wonder what awesome things next year will bring?
