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So, How’s That Freedom Thing Working Out for You?

The BFD. Officer Hagar and Rawsprat examining the author’s papers

You were promised freedom for summer by the lying Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern. How’s that working out for you so far? I suspect that it isn’t at all what you thought it would be.

Well, Rhythm and Vines has been cancelled, unable to live with the Red setting or even the Orange one.

The upcoming Rhythm and Vines music festival has been postponed from New Year’s Eve to Easter 2022 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The event was scheduled to take place from December 28-31, but is now planned to happen April 15-17 next year.

Anyone who has obtained tickets to the festival who can’t make the new dates or doesn’t want to wait is being offered a full refund if they ask for it before 5pm on December 16.

The festival’s organisers say they decided to postpone after consulting with Tairawhiti Iwi, Tairawhiti DHB, local councils and members of Parliament after the announcement the Gisborne region will remain at the ‘red’ setting of the COVID-19 traffic light system until at least December 13.


Tens of thousands of young people believed the lying words of the Prime Minister and went and got jabbed just so they could enjoy summer. You can be assured that the Red Wedding is not going to be in Gisborne.

Then yesterday Armageddon cancelled their Auckland show, after discovering that the Red setting doesn’t actually mean freedom at all:

Organisers of the Armageddon Expo 2021 have made the “difficult decision” to cancel the Auckland event amid uncertainty about the city’s COVID-19 situation and “concerns about anti-vaxxers”.

The sci-fi, gaming, anime and comic family entertainment event was due to be held at the Auckland Showgrounds on the weekend of December 17, but will no longer go ahead.

“This is the single hardest decision we have ever had to make, and we know that it will be a huge disappointment to many (ourselves included),” a statement shared on social media read.

“We have invested over a year of planning into this year’s event, and to have it come to naught is not the result we were hoping for.”

The organisers cited the “uncertainty of the shift to orange or staying in red” under the new COVID-19 Protection Framework as one of the issues the event faced, as well as exhibitors who were “very uncertain and had considerable costs” to take into account.

The Government shills at the corrupted Newshub bizarrely blamed the cancellation on the unvaxed, even though the organisers were clear that it was because of the Red setting. It is the Government and no one else to blame for this cancellation.

Again, tens of thousands of people will have believed the lying words of the Prime Minister, not to mention the disappointment of the vendors who would have been looking for a pay day just before Christmas after 107 days of Government imposed lockdowns.

Meanwhile, families are being torn apart as ex-spouses leverage vaccines to deny access to children or grandchildren and parents are refusing to have visits from family members unless they get vaxxed. It is nothing other than shabby blackmail. Then there are long-lasting friendships and careers being wrecked because of the new two-tier apartheid system that Jacinda Ardern has gleefully dictated.

New Zealand is no longer a pleasant place to live. Our media are beholden to and corrupted by an out of control government intent on creating and fostering divisive policies.

We have real evil presiding over the Beehive.

The media and the collaborators on social media have been celebrating “Freedom Day”, but that is a facade, a sham, a lie. It is not freedom when you need to present your papers, it is not freedom when a large chunk of society are being excluded, deliberately.

Imagine what the left-wing would be saying if John Key had imposed these draconian laws and rules. They’d be wrecking the joint with violent protests. They marched and shut down the cities for an international trade agreement. They march and protest for climate change. But they are Jacinda’s little brown shirts when it comes to her blatant and deliberate erosion of our rights and freedoms.

Anyone out there celebrating freedom day and anyone that discriminates deserves our opprobrium and derision. In World War II these people were called collaborators, and that is what they are doing here.

Am I being melodramatic? No.

Is it wrong to find parallels with Germany in the 1930s? No, it is not:

At the end of WWII we all said “Never again”, but now that is exactly where we find ourselves. I am sickened, and I will not be silent for in silence and compliance evil breeds.

Wake up, Stand up. Fight this evil.

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