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Blood clots are a life-threatening side-effect of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

And another one down, another down, another one bites the dust…

Remember when you were a crazy conspiracy theorist for calling AstraZeneca the “clot shot”? It was foolish, of course, to maintain that people were dropping dead in droves with blood clots following AstraZeneca vaccination, but that there did seem to be a worrying link between the particular vaccine and subsequent, sometimes deadly blood clots was not. But even mentioning the latter was enough to draw the ire of frightbats and “fact-checkers”.

Well… you just know where this is going.

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has admitted that its widely used Covid vaccine, branded Covishield, can cause rare side effects including blood clots and low platelet count.

Covishield was developed by the British-Swedish company in collaboration with Oxford University, UK, and produced by the Serum Institute of India. It was widely administered in over 150 countries, including Britain and India […]

However, research has since found that Covishield can cause some people to develop blood clots, which may prove fatal […]

One of the complainants alleged that the vaccine caused him a permanent brain injury after he developed a blood clot, preventing him from working.

Just how many is, of course, the $64 billion dollar question.

A class action lawsuit filed in the UK claimed that the vaccine led to deaths and severe injuries and sought damages up to £100m for about 50 victims.

The Independent

Out of the millions in the UK alone administered the vaccine, that’s probably still a pretty safe bet. It’s literally a one-in-a-million risk. Assuming, of course, that those are the only victims. But no treatment is entirely without risk.

The real significance of this story is that it once again exposes the shameful litany of lies peddled by the “single sources of truth”, and so-called “fact-checkers”.

A claim that a Pfizer spokeswoman “admitted” that the company’s COVID-19 vaccine was “never tested on preventing transmission” is not quite right, CheckMate has found.

In a video viewed close to 13 million times on Twitter alone, Rob Roos, a Dutch member of the European Parliament, alleges that a Pfizer director “admitted” that “at the time of introduction, the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus” […]

But despite Mr Roos’ allegations that this was a “scandalous” admission by the company, Pfizer never claimed that its pre-market trials tested the vaccine’s effect on transmission.

ABC Australia

This is a typical “fact-checker’s” sly game of rhetorical pea-and-shells.

That might be technically true, but it feels like just that — a technicality […]

Because setting aside what it says in the fine print, the public was told repeatedly, for months, both explicitly and implicitly, that the vaccines would prevent transmission.

This isn’t a matter of opinion. We have the tapes. They said it.

They’re all on tape saying it.

US President Joe Biden, for example, said in July 2021 that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations”.

White House chief medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci said in May 2021 that vaccinated people become “dead ends” for the virus.

CDC director Rochelle Walensky said in March 2021 that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.

In Australia, politicians and health officials [said…] the vaccines were the “way out” of the pandemic, they were not to just to protect ourselves but to “protect others”, they would “stop the spread”.

The same “stop the spread” lies were spouted by New Zealand’s supposed “experts”, as well.

They only dropped the “stop the spread” rhetoric when the truth became too obvious for anyone to disbelieve their lyin’ eyes.

By late 2021 and early 2022, as Omicron became dominant and it was clear vaccinated people were still catching and spreading the virus, the messaging changed.

“Stopping the spread? What are you talking about? It’s about reducing hospitalisation and death. We have always been at war with hospitalisation and death.”

And Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
