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Is this how East Germans felt, when they were finally allowed to cross the “death strip”, through the Berlin Wall, into the West?

Probably not. Because no-one was checking their papers to see if they were vaccinated before letting them through.

That’s the reality of Australia today: we’re less free than East Germans in 1989.

Australians will be able to travel freely to other countries without need for a travel exemption under changes introduced overnight.

Except that it’s not “travel freely” when you have to snap to attention and present your vaccination papers first.

Scott Morrison on Wednesday confirmed the new arrangements that give fully-vaccinated Australians the ability to travel overseas without first having to seek permission from the Department of Home Affairs.

“Last night the Health Minister signed off on the fact that from November 1, Australians who are double vaccinated will be able to travel overseas,” the Prime Minister told Sunrise […]

Under the new new rules, Australians will be able to travel quarantine free to Singapore from November 8 via a vaccinated-only travel lane.

The Australian

I’ll try and contain my gratitude.

So much for that “human rights” stuff.

If nothing else, the CCP virus has exposed the utter sham of the human rights industry. When millions of Australians had their most basic rights summarily stripped away, the gaggle of troughers, grifters and leeches calling themselves “human rights lawyers” were nowhere to be seen.

Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13

Every human right, no matter how supposedly “fundamental”, has been summarily swatted away in dealing with Covid. The human body is conventionally regarded as inviolable. “My body, my choice” has for decades been a conversation stopper. At the same time, human rights warriors have been telling us the privacy of health records is an absolute right. Yet, Australians must now infuse their body with a vaccine or incur suffering in the form of being sacked from work and denied entry to most amenities.

Assertions of fundamental rights by people who don’t want to be vaccinated are dismissively rejected. Moreover, lockdowns have violated our liberty, freedom of association and even freedom to engage in family relationships.

The Australian

For all the chatter of “Freedom Days”, the reality is getting subtly worse. The Victorian government — the most lockdown-happy in the world — is introducing legislation that “vests supreme unchecked power in one man”, Premier Daniel Andrews, to detain people, lock down millons and shut businesses indefinitely on a whim. All “Dictator Dan” has to do is unilaterally declare a “pandemic”, even if there isn’t a single case of infection in his state.

The legislation is all-but certain to pass, with the supine assent of the three cross-benchers who’ve enabled Dictator Dan at every step. One of whom actually has the chutzpah to call herself a “libertarian”.

Be sure that other premiers, especially WA’s Mark McGowan and Queensland’s Annastacia Palaszczuk will do the same. It would be no surprise, either, to see Tasmania’s Peter Gutwein, who recently locked down half the state over a single person slipping out of quarantine, despite over 70% of Tasmanians being fully vaccinated join them.

Taking their cues from the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal authoritarianism in Wuhan, the epicentre of the plague almost certainly created in that city’s bio-warfare labs, politicians across the West have used the pandemic to seize unprecedented power. No-one less than Australia’s second-tier, second-rate state leaders.

Having got their hands on absolute power, they’re clearly determined to enjoy it for as long as they can.

And your human rights? They might as well have been written on the wind.

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Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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