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So Much for That ‘Right-Wing Terror Threat’…

All the cool kids are doing it. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If you were to believe the mainstream media and our government spooks, the greatest terror threat to the West isn’t those beardy-weirdies doing all the bombing and stabbing, it’s those scrawny boys with the shaved heads doing the silly salutes and babbling nonsense about “the joos”.

Of course, that’s if you choose to believe the mainstream media and the spooks, rather than, y’know, notice all the bombings and stabbings. At least, just ignore the ones the media don’t want you to notice. After all, the same media who haven’t stopped yammering about Jo Cox being murdered “by a right-wing extremist”, are already walking away, whistling, after shrugging that “nobody knows why” Sir David Amess “passed away” at the hands of a Somali Muslim.

In Australia, too, the same spooks who told us there were no African gangs in Melbourne have been busily waving their hands and shouting about the boogey-man of right-wing extremism. The biggest terror threat this nation faces, they aver. The majority of their case-load, they totally swear.

Just pay no attention to the facts.

Terrorist groups are grooming children, including those with learning difficulties and developmental conditions, to carry out ­violent attacks, according to AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw […]

“Children as young as 13 … are planning and negotiating with others online to carry out catastrophic terror attacks,” Mr Kershaw told Senate estimates.

So, who are we talking about? The “white supremacists” and “neo-Nazis”?

Oops, it turns out: no.

Religiously motivated violent extremism remained the biggest threat, accounting for 85 per cent of investigations, he warned, adding that ideologically motivated terrorism accounted for 15 per cent of terrorist threats.

“Religiously motivated”, huh? Which religion? The Anglicans? Maybe the Latter-Day Saints? (They seem too nice to not be suspect, don’t they?)


The commissioner said the AFP was also braced for an increase in Islamist terrorism following the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. He said Australian Islamist extremists were mainly followers of Islamic State ideology, although some were followers of al-Qa’ida.

The other significant terrorist threat in Australia related to the release of convicted terrorist ­offenders. “Eighteen terrorist offenders are scheduled for release from prison before 2026, and 54 are due for release by 2060,” he said.

The Australian

Gee, I wonder what affiliation these convicted terrorist offenders are?

Of nine terrorism cases from 2003-2007, seven were Muslim. One related to the Tamil Tigers. Of 11 terror attacks since 2001, just one was not Islam-related. Even granting Christchurch killer Brenton Tarrant (where his “right-wing” affiliation is decidedly iffy), that still makes the “scoreboard” 9-2 in jihad’s favour.

It could be about to get a whole lot worse. Wannabe jihadis and stormtroopers have had two years of sitting at home, browsing the web for the extremist literature of their persuasion.

The question, though, is whether you’d place bets on the LARPers doing Roman salutes, or the wannabe martyrs for the prophet, being the most likely to put loony rhetoric into bloody action.

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