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So You Think You Got Your Freedom Yesterday?

green traffic light lights

Yesterday the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced her infantile traffic light system, which will govern everything you can and can’t do as decided by the bureaucrats in Wellington.

It is as illogical as it is childish. For example “Green is when COVID-19 is across New Zealand, including sporadic imported cases. Community transmission is limited and COVID-19 hospitalisations will be at a manageable level. The health system will be ready to respond, including primary care, public health, and hospitals.”

That is like MOST OF NZ! Yet she’s plunged most of the country into Orange and the rest into Red.

Apparently, the draconian restrictions placed on the unvaxxed is to keep us all safe from the vaxxed…I’m not kidding. The lack of joined-up thinking is getting to ridiculous proportions.

If you are still unvaxxed at this point in time you aren’t going to get vaxxed. We’ve made our choice, we don’t need protection from anyone or anything. This is a nanny state writ large.

A whole lot of places that are L2 presently become red-light districts next week…but “conditions will remain like L2” according to Ardern. The woman is just flat out lying now.

And no part of the country will be at ‘Green’ all summer – suckers!

Speaking of Green…the Government’s own website shows that they have NO plans for life under Green.

Life at Red
Life at Orange
Life at Green

500,000 or so Kiwis have just learnt that they have even less freedom from Friday. It could be interesting to see what happens.

Meanwhile, more evidence has been revealed that shows the “protection” the vaccines supposedly impart to the population is a mirage, or a sham.

Results A total of 978 specimens were provided by 95 participants, of whom 78 (82%) were fully vaccinated and 17 (18%) were not fully vaccinated. No significant differences were detected in duration of RT-PCR positivity among fully vaccinated participants (median: 13 days) versus those not fully vaccinated (median: 13 days; p=0.50), or in duration of culture positivity (medians: 5 days and 5 days; p=0.29). Among fully vaccinated participants, overall duration of culture positivity was shorter among Moderna vaccine recipients versus Pfizer (p=0.048) or Janssen (p=0.003) vaccine recipients.

Conclusions As this field continues to develop, clinicians and public health practitioners should consider vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons. These findings are critically important, especially in congregate settings where viral transmission can lead to large outbreaks.
Transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a federal prison, July—August 2021

The draconian impositions on our rights are for nought. You all thought you could comply your way out of tyranny, and now you’ve just found out that the infantile traffic light controls are worse than the level system.

It was a sucker’s trap and you fell for it. It isn’t about health anymore, it is about controlling every aspect of your life.

This might have to be the most offensive thing I’ve seen from this government yet. Treating people’s lives and livelihoods like a game now. What a despicable group of people.

This ends when enough of you stop playing their stupid games. While you still think you can comply your way out of tyranny the silly games with silly prizes will just keep on coming.

The tyrant is drunk on the power she’s got. She isn’t going to let it go easily. She most certainly won’t let it go by you complying with the demands.

But the unvaxxed now have another tool in their kitbag. The government has declared us Untermenschen. Grant Robertson is suggesting that if you are unvaxxed or if your business doesn’t use their rules then you will no longer be able to access government assistance.

So the unvaxxed should cease paying tax and their businesses should cease paying tax. We have been frozen out of society, so we should cease to contribute to the society that is oppressing us.

Lock us out, ostracise us, take our freedoms, send us underground. This is a classic example of how people become radicalised. And this is all on Jacinda Ardern. She’s created divisions and hate when there was none before.

The tyrant must be deposed. I have no idea yet how that happens, but happen it must.

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