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Soccer Fems Demand More Pay for Losing Money

Nothing says “entitlement” like demanding a pay increase for losing your employer money.

I’ve already written how whingeing spoilsport Megan Rapinoe, of the U.S. Women’s soccer team, is a greedy skiver who is already paid more, for every revenue dollar she brings in and every bum she puts on a seat, than the men. Yet still she screams for more, like a greedy brat. So much so, in fact, that she and her team are bringing in the lawyers and demanding more, more, more.

Her case is looking a little shaky.

The president of the U.S. Soccer Federation, the organization being sued by the women’s national soccer team over an equal pay dispute that has made national headlines and broken into the mainstream consciousness, said in an open letter released Monday that over an 11-year period the women’s team has generated a net loss of $27.5 million.

Rapinoe has also not been shy about tub-thumping her bien pensant leftist political opinions, never mind that her only qualification is being able to kick a ball worse than a 15-year-old-boy. It seems that Rapinoe so fancies herself as a politician that she thinks that she’s entitled to demand more pay for losing money.

Carlos Cordeiro, the Federation’s chief, said that from 2009 to 2019 – “a timeframe that includes two Women’s World Cup championships” – the U.S. women’s players earned a gross revenue of $101.3 million at an average of $425,446 per game.

The men, on the other hand, brought in $185.7 million over 191 games. They averaged $972.147 per game.

“More specifically,” Cordeiro added. “WNT games have generated a net profit (ticket revenues minus event expenses) in only two years (2016 and 2017). Across the entire 11-year period, WNT games generated a net loss of $27.5 million.”

Maybe Rapinoe’s pay ought to be docked, rather than increased?

Fifa’s financial decisions…are actually relatively generous to women. The men’s tournament is just way more popular and lucrative.

In 2018, the World Cup earned $6 billion, with 7 percent going to the participating men’s teams. France walked away with $38 million for winning. By contrast, this year’s women’s World Cup is expected to earn $131 million. The U.S. women got $4 million of the $30 million prize.

Which means that the men were paid just 0.6% of the total revenue. The women, on the other hand, were paid 3%.

In other words, the women were paid five times as much as the men for the revenue they brought in.
