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“Some People Did Something”

French President Emmanuel Macron, center, meets soldiers after a knife attack at Notre Dame church in Nice, southern France, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020. (Eric Gaillard/Pool via AP)

Why Muslims don’t address the possibility, however remote, of Muslim extremists infiltrating NZ mosques surprises me. Overseas terrorism does not allay fears, it inflames them. NZ Muslim organisations should be distancing themselves and providing reassurance instead of treating public fear as a personal insult and lobbying for “hate speech” laws.

It’s appears that the prospect of infiltration by terrorists is so far from Muslim minds that it must be discounted. But how can this be after Christchurch? Christchurch should have made NZ Muslims more sensitive to religious violence, not less.

NZ Muslim organisations do nothing to allay public fear when every overseas terror attack on Westerners presents an opportunity to reciprocate in some small measure the outpouring of public sympathy Muslims received after Christchurch.

It’s not as if the general public has the opportunity to attend a local mosque when Islamic teaching is restricted to believers and taught in Arabic.

Given the continued violence around the world in the name of Islam, some sort of reassurance that NZ Muslims are alert and watchful is long overdue. A note on Muslim websites and a media statement following an overseas attack would provide reassurance.

No one can be ignorant of decades of African countries being turned into Islamic killing grounds. International Christian Concern (ICC) estimates between 50,000 and 70,000 Nigerian Christians have been killed in the last decade by Boko Haram and Fulani militants. ICC says Nigeria’s 206 million population provides the “biggest killing ground of Christians in the world”.

“Data released in 2019 by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary show, for the first time, Africa as the continent with the most Christians, numbering 631 million, surpassing even Latin America. Whereas hundred years ago, there were barely 2 million Catholics on the continent, now there are 230 million.

But the bright future of African Christianity is imperiled by a fast-growing and violently intolerant Islamist trend, and the plight of these persecuted Christians has received far too little attention from the Western governments, NGOs and the media.”

This week a French school teacher was beheaded “because he had shown cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed to his class.” What are French Muslim children being taught outside school that makes them react so badly at school?

“French police have arrested a 16-year-old in the commune of Lure after he posted messages on social media that praised the actions of the Chechen Islamic terrorist who beheaded teacher Samuel Paty.”

And it’s not just Muslim children groomed to support Islamic violence. A second terrorist attack this week saw Macron jumping into action despite that horse bolting decades ago.

French President Emmanuel Macron bolstered security in schools and religious sites Thursday after three churchgoers were killed, including one woman reportedly decapitated, in a knife attack in the southern city of Nice, saying that “France is under attack.”

Is the world aghast? Shamefully it is not. Macron is very aware of France’s history of Islamic violence because it has been evident for decades.

Terrorism is always somebody else’s problem until it becomes personal.

Christchurch brought out a wave of empathy that has not, so far, been reciprocated. The Muslim response is to ask a fearful public to “stop picking on us”.

The Federation of Muslim Associations supports the call to protect religious groups against hate speech.

The US is way ahead of us in that regard. Rep. Ilhan Omar uttered her infamous words after Christchurch, and with reference to 9/11, incurring the anger of Americans and New Zealanders.

“CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.

So you can’t just say that today someone is looking at me strange, that I am going to try to make myself look pleasant.

You have to say this person is looking at me strange, I am not comfortable with it. I am going to talk to them and ask them why. Because that is a right you have.”

Please! Let’s have those discussions if Muslims lose their civil liberties or feel that they are being looked at sideways. Let’s have honest discussions around the facts and what they are doing to allay fears.

Let’s start with the truth. CAIR was not founded in 2001 as Omar says, inferring a link to 9/11, it was founded in 1994 to “empower the American Muslim community and encourage their participation in political and social activism”.

CAIR “empowerment” means building a wall around Islam and refusing to discuss the unpleasant aspects of Muslim extremists. Let’s not accept the victimhood mentality that drives Muslims into aggressively shutting down the discussion. CAIR’s response to Christchurch demonstrates its commitment to silence.

Following the horrible massacre at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, CAIR flacks were out in full force decrying “Islamophobia” and calling for crackdowns on “hate speech” (by which they mean any and all negative thoughts or words about CAIR or Islam).”

Omar jumped on the CAIR bandwagon and attempted to shut down the dialogue. Until NZ Muslims address the overseas Islamic terrorist element and enter into meaningful dialogue about what they are doing to protect the public no one is safe from Islamic terror, Muslims included.

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