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Some People Just Won’t Learn till Too Late

Right back you go. The BFD.

The open-borders leftists love to preen and parade their supposed moral superiority, contrary to all evidence. These insufferable smugsters certainly don’t like being reminded that their virtue-signalling often has appalling consequences for the very people they profess to care so much about. Nowhere more so than when it comes to the people-smuggling trade.

As Indonesian authorities once put it, the “asylum seeker” lobby recklessly “put sugar on the table” — and then whine when the ants drown. Yet, for all their hand-wringing, “progressives” never accept an ounce of responsibility.

Nor do the economic migrants trying to glom on to a life of ease in Western welfare states.

Ahmed Alhashimi stood on the beach, howling at the retreating waves, beating and clawing at his own chest, and surrendering to the grief and rage and guilt that would not go away.

“I could not protect her. I will never forgive myself. But the sea was the only choice I had,” he sobbed.

Well, no it wasn’t. Not at all. It was the choice he made, because he refused to accept repeated court rulings.

And his child paid the price of his greed and instransigence.

The illegal immigrant’s seven-year-old daughter drowned when he forced his family onto an inflatable raft, to try and illegally cross the Channel and freeload on yet another Western country.

Although Ahmed is an Iraqi, his daughter had never even visited the country. She was born in Belgium and had spent most of her short life in Sweden.

Sounds like he’s been shopping around, then.

Which is just what he’s been doing.

I’ve spent 14 years in Europe and have been rejected,” said Ahmed, detailing years of failed attempts to secure residency in the EU after he’d fled Iraq following what he described as threats from militia groups there.

Belgium reportedly denied him asylum by arguing that Basra, his hometown in Iraq, was classified as a safe area. He said his children spent the last seven years staying with a relative in Sweden, but that he was recently informed that they would be deported, with him, to Iraq.

So, he’s been repeatedly rejected by probably the easiest countries in the world to get into, and he flat-out refused to accept the umpire’s decision? Sounds like it’s on him, then.

“The sea was the only choice I had. Everything that happened was against my will.”

Against his will, huh?

The smugglers, escorting their passengers across the beach towards a small boat, had used fireworks and wielded sticks to ward off a group of French police who’d attempted, and failed, to stop the group from boarding […]

This had been the family’s fourth attempt at a crossing since they’d arrived in the area two months earlier. Twice the police had caught them on the beach as they’d struggled to keep up with the other migrants sprinting towards a smuggler’s boat.


So, the French tried three times to stop these fools from risking their own and their children’s lives, including physical restraint — and they’d literally fought off the attempted help with sticks and fireworks?

But, sure, it’s everyone else’s fault.

You just can’t save some people from themselves. Unfortunately, you can’t save their children from them, either.

And the last thing anyone should be doing is encouraging this sort of deadly stupidity and greed.
