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Some Rare Wins Against Gender Nuttiness

Not everyone is willing to go along with obvious lies.

These are not women. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As the ongoing Tickle vs. Giggle saga shows, when it comes to transgender ideology, the law is a colossal ass. That a judge can apparently rule that biological sex can be changed at the whim of a statutory declaration shows just how divorced from biological reality, not to say common sense, some judges really are.

One suspects, though, that the divorce from obvious reality is in fact the whole point. As Theodore Dalrymple observed of communist propaganda, the point was ‘not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better’.

When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.

The ideologues of today’s clown world of ‘gender ideology’ are going one further than the old communists ever did: they are literally emasculated liars. The Soviet ‘New Man’ with his cock cut off and in a dress.

Fortunately, not everyone is prepared to assent to their obvious lies. Amazingly, some are actually winning in court.

A Virginia teacher who was fired six years ago for refusing to refer to a biologically female student as “he/him” will be the recipient of an almost $600,000 settlement.

Peter Vlaming, a teacher in French, was sacked by the West Point School Board in December of 2018 for supposedly ‘misgendering’ a female student. Vlaming correctly said that ‘she’ was absent, prompting a very girly hissy-fit.

Vlaming then met with the student and parents, whereupon one parent demanded he “leave his principles and beliefs out of this” and just use the male pronouns as requested.

Vlaming’s principal subsequently told him to “do whatever the parents ask,” and the assistant principal gave him documents from the National Center for Transgender Equality regarding “pronoun usage.”

In true Orwellian fashion, the school authorities attempted to force Vlaming to knowingly lie, even outside school.

Superintendent Laura Abel required Vlaming to use male pronouns for the student “regardless of location or context, even outside of school.” When Vlaming said he could not “in good conscience” comply with such a demand, the school board fired him for violations of district nondiscrimination policy.

Miraculously, something like commonsense won the day.

According to an Alliance Defending Freedom press release, the West Point School Board’s settlement with Vlaming includes $575,000 in damages and lawyers’ fees, and the removal of his termination from his record.

Separately, the board agreed to “change its policies to conform to the new Virginia education policies established by Gov Glenn Youngkin that respect fundamental free speech and parental rights.”

ADF Center for Academic Freedom Director Tyson Langhofer said […] that Vlaming “couldn’t in good conscience speak messages that he knew were untrue, and no school board or government official can punish someone for that reason.”

It’s not the only win for commonsense in the American education system.

A Montana State University student who criticized “preferred pronouns” settled her lawsuit against the school after it punished her for “hate speech.”

Campus officials recently agreed to lift a “no-contact order” it placed on Daria Danley in Sep 2021 which forbid her from attending sorority events or entering buildings where another student Alex Lin was. The initial lawsuit alleged that Lin, a member of Danley’s Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, made overt sexual comments to Danley and others.

Danley (pictured) accused the sorority of not taking her complaints about Lin seriously. She also criticized the sorority’s use of name tags that included “preferred pronouns,” during an Aug 2021 event.

Lin seems to be a bit of a serial complainer. She has also complained about ‘swastikas’ allegedly drawn in chalk, and a ‘noose’ supposedly left in her room.

MSU is also a bit of a serial bully.

This is not the first time the public university has been sued for imposing gender ideology on students. The university agreed to pay $120,000 to settle a lawsuit from Erik Powell in 2017. Powell privately criticized a gender dysphoric student in a meeting with a professor.

And the wins keep on coming.

Shawnee State University agreed to pay out $400,000 to settle a lawsuit from Professor Nicholas Meriwether after it punished him for not using a student’s made-up LGBT pronouns.

The more people stand up to the obvious lies of transgenderism, the more the emperor’s total lack of clothing will be undeniable.

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