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Some Well-Deserved New Year Honours

There are too many to name, but you’ll have a good idea of who they are. They expand everyone’s space, sense of determination and resolve.

Photo by Brigitte Tohm / Unsplash


Mary Hobbs, writer and photographer, has crafted an ingenious New Year Honours list, recognising courageous Kiwis who spoke out in defence of truth, freedom and justice. The inspiring compilation highlights groups and individuals who bravely offered a different perspective when dissenting views were silenced. They also offered another source of information when mainstream media deliberately curated its reporting and turned a blind eye to critical information that would have made a profound difference to public health during C-19. The well-deserved honours list champions these unsung heroes.

Shining Lights: Some Well-Deserved New Year Honours

New Year Honours Kiwi Defenders
Photo Credit: © Mary Hobbs
The future is unknown territory – until we decide what we want in it and put it there.

Mary Hobbs

As we gaze towards the New Year and wonder what it holds, we possibly see thunderclouds on the horizon, with more freedoms threatened. But it is also vital to remember that miracles also happen, and there is no reason for us not to exercise our own miracle-making abilities as we step into the New Year — preferably with a magic wand in hand that works! Rather than dreading what may be looming, it can be so good for the soul to change it around a bit and use our powerful imaginations to focus on what we would love to see in the immediate future, and keep that vision strong.

It doesn’t matter how improbable this may be in the current fast-paced dystopian political climate, but it does matter that we use the quick-thinking imaginative and fun qualities we all have within us and allow ourselves to feel free to go wild with that unlimited and positive creativity of the spirit!

Let’s try that.

It can also be valuable to reflect on ground gained. When we are up to our ears fighting fires on what seems like the spiritual battlefield of life, it can be easy to forget the achievements, before being engulfed in dealing with the next attempted intrusion on our freedoms and basic human rights.

New Year Honours are announced by parliament and, to most of us, they mean less each year. Some gongs awarded to former politicians and heads of bureaucracies in the recent past have been enough to put most of us off our breakfast for a week or more. Long walks may also have been needed. And long swims – as well as big climbs! So, with that in mind, it seems fitting for us to honour the real unsung heroes and heroines in our country who genuinely deserve the highest acknowledgements.

These are the Kiwi souls who are a constant. They continue to shine a light on the madness and keep the lights burning brightly for freedom, they don’t back off, they don’t give up, and when they are going through hell, they keep going. There are too many to name, but you’ll have a good idea of who they are. My articles have mentioned most of them, but they deserve to be celebrated. They expand everyone’s space, sense of determination and resolve.

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their peers, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.

Robert Kennedy

New Year Honours Kiwi Defenders
Photo Credit: © Mary Hobbs Key New Zealanders – on guard. Strong souls, watching, willing to alert others to danger, while putting themselves at risk to help others.

NZDSOS – New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science – are the key doctors and medical staff who put in countless voluntary hours to help protect New Zealanders from violations of the Nuremberg Code, the Hippocratic Oath, and our basic Human Rights. They are constant front-runners for honours. Over the past five years, with no thought for the backlash they would personally receive, they have devoted the best part of their lives battling on behalf of all New Zealanders, fired by a passion of the soul to confront injustice and call those guilty to account, while helping to remedy the damage done to so many injured, maimed and bereaved New Zealanders. They have paid an exorbitant price for doing so.

In some cases their ability to practice was stripped from them, they lost their livelihoods, and were put through lengthy, expensive, ‘investigations’ conducted by the New Zealand Medical Council (NZMC) because they dared to put themselves in front of their patients to protect them by questioning the safety and effectiveness of the gene-altering injection and refusing the order to only speak positively about the jab, because that would have denied patients their right to fully informed consent. Undaunted, these legends bravely wrote about it, spoke out in parks, on street corners, at events – including their own amazing annual conferences – and anywhere they could, to let Kiwis know of the dangers.

Dr Matt Shelton, Dr Alison Goodwin, and Dr Cindy de Villiers are the three most often at the forefront of NZDSOS, although they have many other doctors and medical staff, including orthodontists, dentists, and others, working alongside them too, as well as talented graphic designers (Anna Petley and Anna McLoughlin), and other admin staff who work all hours to get vital jobs done. Dr Emanuel Garcia is another who lost his job for speaking out and yet continues to speak out, with love.

Dr Bruce Dooley is also part of NZDSOS and courageously came forward to turn the spotlight on the International Association of Medical Regulators, which is a branch of the Federation of State Medical Boards. He exposed the collusion and hidden control between the secretive 110-year old “Federation” and Medical Boards – or Medical Councils – in countries around the world. There are many more NZDSOS members not specifically listed here, but equally treasured.

NZDSOS have a phenomenal workload and there are no signs of it becoming less. One look at their website tells the story. It is staggering, especially when viewing the substantial number of open letters providing factual evidence to wilfully blind officials, and the hair-raising Truth Project accounts from health insiders. Each of them are outstanding souls who are well aware that the freedom of our country and our people hang in the balance.

Lynda Wharton of The Health Forum leads a voluntary group of astounding individuals who help support the many thousands of New Zealanders who have been maimed and injured by the genetic-altering injections. The hours put in by Lynda and these stellar souls – a number of them nurses who were mandated out – is incalculable. They have brought compassion, healing and comfort to those who have been sadistically ignored by government and their departments.

Anna Hodgkinson also does amazing work in this area and formed the group, Silent No More, for the injured and bereaved, as well as a charity to help with medical costs of the jab-injured – ACC’s job in which they have failed so many New Zealanders. Anna’s work is particularly courageous, considering she is a widow and has four daughters, one of whom – Casey – became seriously injured after one shot. Casey was courageously outspoken about her injuries, despite horrific treatment by the ‘medical profession’ that included extreme forms of gaslighting and ridicule.

The Fluoride Free team lead by Mary Byrne and Kane Kitchener are a phenomenal group, backed by many New Zealanders, whose exhaustive efforts have been ongoing for 25 years or more to keep this poisonous neurotoxin, out of our water. This mass medication of the water against the will of the people is a clear danger to the health of New Zealanders. This year they have one of the most knowledgeable people on the planet visiting NZ – lawyer Michael Connett – in an effort to provide further enlightenment to those who consider they have the power to make councils and councillors personally liable if they refuse to place a highly poisonous substance in local water. The Fluoride Free team, and their supporters, are phenomenal Kiwis.

Almost all councils have cowed to this appalling intrusion on our human rights. But Whangarei Council did not, and thank God for each and every one of these courageous souls. They are also worthy of a New Year’s Honour. If every council did this it would immediately halt this poisonous practice and protect the health of New Zealanders.

Penny-Marie is another legend. She formed Let Kids Be Kids in response to the depraved indoctrination on sex and gender that suddenly appeared in New Zealand schools. Joined by the inspiring Elisabeth Cave, the two took off on an incredible roadshow through the South Island giving factual information to parents, grandparents and others interested on what was really going on in ‘sex education’ in schools. They established LKBK groups that provide parents, grandparents and caregivers with resources and information on how to protect their children. These stellar individuals who are part of the LKBK groups provide wonderful assistance and backup. It is vital work that deserves full support.

Bob McCroskie, founder and chief executive of Family First, and his team, are also unsung heroes who advocate to help build “strong families and safe communities”. Since 2006 this group has established a strong and powerful presence in this area and covers a wide range of issues to do with keeping families united.

Reality Check Radio and Voices For Freedom (VFF) – with founders, Alia Bland, Claire Deeks and Libby Jonson and their unseen, invaluable, admin crew of tireless workers in the background – including content managers and facilitators and RCR Bites – is a regular, integral link that provides a wide range of information, including the latest government policies and how they may affect New Zealanders, and what can be done to reverse the trend. The content on RCR goes far beyond this though and provides listeners with a wide range of information on topics from health to finance, to living one’s best life – mind, body, and spirit. Their interviewers – each of them – are outstanding. It is a wonderful link and medium, bringing informed views and an opportunity to give feedback that is sorely needed.

New Year Honours Kiwi Defenders
Photo Credit: © Mary Hobbs
Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will.

Mahatma Gandhi

There are many other giants in the freedom movement who work constantly to keep us informed, with countless interviews throughout the year, setting aside most, or all, of their free time, researching in the background, giving interviews, writing articles, providing podcasts and regular posts of excellent quality and content. Malcolm Dreaneen of The Daily Telegraph works all hours to provide an online site that delivers real news and opinions that keep New Zealanders informed. The Daily Examiner is also another online source doing similar work. They too are vitally needed constants.

The work of Dr Guy Hatchard is invaluable, as he calmly and bravely calls out the lies with factual data. He has four articles and a video – of how to make a submission – out on the Gene-editing Bill that are vital reading for every New Zealander. Please, act on this. His articles are short and to the point and offer constructive ways to push back. Submissions close on 17 February, so there is no time to waste. Our lives depend on action in regard to this bill. Yes, it is that draconian. JR Bruning also does an excellent job with detailed research in her posts, one of the most important is her recent article on the Gene Technology Bill, too.

There are other stellar media groups that work tirelessly behind the scenes sending out their substacks, articles, videos and posts armed with research, for which they receive little or no financial recompense. FreeNZ Media/Liz Gunn showed the world that NZ has a justice system of great concern, when a huge policeman threw her, an unresisting woman in her 60s, to the floor and fractured her wrist in a wrongful arrest with no consequences, while she was found ‘guilty’ of assault by tapping a security person on the shoulder – in a bid to get her attention – at the Auckland Airport. This is surely the opposite of justice. Liz continues to provide in-depth interviews with others in the freedom movement, mainly offshore. Others, including Counterspin, are also at the helm and there are many more.

Brad Flutey, and his exceptional mother, also showed what it took to stand up to injustice and the violation of human rights, and to continue to do so in the face of such adversity that his life was in danger, and what certainly looked like an unjust incarceration where his basic human rights were denied. The publicity of his plight by RCR and the intervention by NZDSOS was also very helpful.

New Year Honours Kiwi Defenders
Photo Credit: © Mary Hobbs

Barry Young is an outstanding hero. He provided statistics illustrating the ‘vaccine’ harms by making public, statistical information that he was privy to as a statistician at the Ministry of Health. His integrity meant he could not stand by and view these alarming statistics without alerting his seniors and members of parliament. After trying to bring it to the attention of his seniors, who did not act on the evidence he provided, he wrote to members of parliament. It is understood that he received no replies, just a wall of silence. The anonymised information was subsequently made public and reported around the world. (There was no leak of privacy, as the statistics were anonymised, as confirmed by the prime minister.)

At the time of writing there does not appear to have been any investigation by the Ministry of Health into the statistical evidence Barry provided, although apparently two million dollars has been spent trying to censor the information and silence Barry, who was arrested by armed police on a quiet Sunday afternoon. His home was ransacked in the subsequent search. Barry’s great courage and fortitude are one of our prime examples of a peaceful hero.

Dan Picknell, a former policeman, showed exemplary courage by standing up, speaking out and making reports to the Commissioner of Police and others, without regard to what that would mean for his viability and position in the police. If only more would do what Dan did.

Liz Lambert, is a lady with a big heart who many years ago began training as a nurse (reflecting an early desire to help others with compassion and care), but changed to law. Liz has been tireless in her efforts to seek justice for those in the freedom movement who have been unjustly dealt with in regard to being mandated out of work because they exercised their Human Rights and said no to a gene-altering, harmful jab. She has spent countless hours helping New Zealanders and has achieved some important wins for them. 

Sue Grey is another who has constantly spoken out on numerous occasions to alert New Zealanders to vital issues in regard to the jab, submitted countless OIA requests, and  also represented New Zealanders in court when they have been required to resort to the courts for justice in regard to freedom of speech, mandates, and violations of the Bill of Rights.

Kirstin Murfitt, a lawyer, continues to devote countless hours to helping New Zealanders retain their freedoms, including making powerful submissions in regard to the WHO “Pandemic” Treaty to exit the WHO referendum; a petition to the government to make the Pfizer contract public; to ensure our country remains fluoride-free, and consistently helps represent New Zealanders in courts.

Aly Cook is a musician, and the mother of a son who suffered severe cardiac issues after being mandated to have the jab. Aly, acting on her son’s behalf, experienced substantial difficulty in obtaining his medical records from the four different hospitals where her son had been admitted on separate occasions and difficulty in obtaining ACC for the medical injuries. She has constantly fought for her son, and also for every New Zealander similarly affected, with a grit and determination that is deep within the soul of every caring mother. The research and work she has done is staggering. Her petition was signed by 24,119 New Zealanders. Aly has been interviewed on this phenomenal work by Reality Check Radio a number of times. Those interviews can be seen here.

Barry Duffield, a successful, internationally renowned actor, who took the jab for work and was seriously injured as a result, yet has had the courage to stand up, despite his injuries, and continues to speak out. He is one of many incredible New Zealanders who has suffered severe, life-changing injuries from the falsely named ‘vaccine’ and, despite the immense difficulties this has caused, has spoken out against the jab on frequent occasions to help warn others of the dangers. Barry, and all New Zealanders who have spoken out, are legends.

The talented Donna Chisholm, herself a hero for maintaining a vigil outside the premises of the Governor General for many weeks, asking questions and bravely telling truths, went further out on a limb using her many skills to bring New Zealand the successful Roadshow ’24  that enlightened many Kiwis and brought them together.

The worst thing about a list like this is that so many thousands of New Zealanders who deserve to be on it have seemingly been overlooked. But they are NOT. Their presence is felt every day with the hope they give, and the space they create, for all Kiwis to feel more encouraged to stand up and speak out and politely and peacefully say NO to oppression and servitude to those who are meant to be there to represent us. This includes those who donate and support those that do so much to alert Kiwis to the dangerous direction in which our country is headed if we don’t change it. 

It also includes those who speak to family, friends, and write endless letters to members of parliament and their local representatives to let them know that we are aware and we are watching and they will be called to account in the final reckoning – whether that be by us, God, or both. Each and every one of these souls are vital in the push back. They give space for New Zealanders to be able to breathe. They are the bulwark of freedom in the face of demonic influences. It is their tireless efforts backing those in the vanguard and supporting them with donations and actions, that give us the vision to move ahead, to keep going and to ultimately realise the dream of a New Zealand, and a world, where peace, harmony, good health, and a beautiful balance between mind, body and spirit reign supreme.

So, as we take up the reins and gallop forward into the new year with a song in our hearts, a fearless attitude and a brave heart – most of us know, although may often underestimate, that the future of this country rests on our shoulders, for it is our actions, our speaking out, our peaceful decisions to say NO to tyrannical actions, our knowledge of spirit and soul, and our courage in the face of adversity that will protect our children and grandchildren, and all of our descendants. And the planet.

Remember who we are. And remember our people and our country. [...]

Additional Honourable Mention for the New Year Honours:

In addition to this well-deserved New Year honours list crafted by Mary Hobbs, it would be remiss of NZDSOS to not mention Mary Hobbs herself, another unsung hero behind the scenes who deserves our utmost recognition. While she consistently showcases others’ efforts, Mary’s own contributions are truly invaluable.

Mary’s meticulous writing and documentation capture not just facts, but the heart and soul of what we as individuals and our nation as a whole have endured over the past few years. Her work provides a critical lens through which we can understand and reflect upon our collective journey and equips us better with lessons learned to shape a better future for humanity.

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
