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‘Someone Filmed This Moment’ – Author Unknown

A hand over of dead hostages and the world looks on.

A Palestinan audience of all ages was seen cheering as the coffins of the Bibas family, Shiri, Kfir and Ariel, and Oded Lifshitz were paraded before them. Palestinians lined the streets and some got onto the stage to watch a celebration of murdered Jewish children.

The last footage filmed of Shiri Bibas and her babies on the day of their kidnapping on October 7, was of them being led away barefooted by their captors. Someone filmed this moment.

There were Germans in Germany who saved Jews, but not one Gazan helped the Jews! Not one. No one reached out to help this helpless mother. Now they return in coffins to loved ones. May they rest in peace. But their families will be forever tormented.

Words fail this writer, as it is so horrific, but a poem was found that somewhat expresses the diabolical reality of what a grotesque moment in history just took place. Author unknown.

Someone Filmed This Moment…      

Someone stood there looking at a mother holding her two babies

Protecting them with her body, her heart, her soul.

Someone stood there…

And saw

And watched

Someone and another someone and another

Someone and maybe even another mother

And no one reached out and said “Come on mama,

Come on mama…”

And all the light went out long ago

And what if I were in her place?

And what if I had to choose who to keep holding

and of whom to let go?

Because there isn’t a single mother who can

contain her pain over her children

And the look in her eyes – this is every mother’s

greatest fear

It’s a look that stares at the devil and starts a


Take me… leave them

Take me… leave one

Do with me whatever you want…

Just have someone take them to a safe corner

Only a mother can understand a look like that

And I wasn’t there either…

