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Soon It Will Be the Time of Pascha


Colin Parkinson

It is now approaching the time of Pascha, the time also referred to as “The Passover” in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Pascha is a transliteration of the Greek ‘Pascha’, which is itself a transliteration of the Hebrew word ‘Pesah’/’Pesach’.

The Jewish festival of Pesach (Passover) is a time to remember how God ‘passed over’ the houses of the people of Israel when they were in captivity in Egypt. This is a time when they celebrate the beginning of their freedom and the beginning of their exodus from Egypt to the promised land of Israel.

The celebration starts on the 15th day of the month of Nisan according to the Jewish calendar. This year (2022), Pesach begins at sunset on Friday the 15th April, ending on the 23rd April.

Now is also the time when Christians around the world remember the sacrifice that Jesus made by dying on the cross to save us from sin. In Jesus Christ, we have hope of eternal life and escape from the final judgement. This is truly good news, in Jesus Christ, there is freedom from sin and death.

This month in New Zealand we have started to see some easing of restrictions and a possible return to something a little closer to ‘normal’ life. Many of the mandates for vaccines have been lifted and vaccine passports are no longer required although I have heard that they are still used by some.

Now is a time to celebrate freedom while we have it, to remember those who are suffering both here and around the world. Share hope and love with those around you while you can. We do not know what will come along tomorrow.

The freedom we have here now may be limited and possibly even temporary (I am aware that the Government is challenging the court ruling on police mandates) but my hope is not in the temporary things of this world but in the future hope of the return of my Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is my hope and faith in Him that keeps me going in even the most difficult of circumstances, a hope that I would like everyone to have.

Some may question whether Jesus really even lived on earth, let alone died and rose again. But there is plenty of evidence for those really willing to seek out the truth for themselves. The historians Josephus (who was born around 37AD and lived to about 100AD) and Tacitus (who lived from around 56-120AD) both acknowledge Jesus, as do many other historians. I mention these two though, as they lived at a time when they would have been able to confirm the facts through eye-witness accounts. There is much more evidence available and I encourage everyone to seek out the truth for themselves. The Bible really is the best place to start though as it gives first-hand accounts from those who knew Jesus Christ.

So while some may be eating lots of chocolate and thinking of fluffy bunnies, please take time to remember Jesus Christ the true Paschal Lamb and the true reason for celebration at this time.

He does not give as the world gives and the freedom He offers is not temporary.

Find a local church to visit if you do not regularly attend one already, perhaps even watch online if you are unable to make it in person. Read through the accounts in the Bible and take time to think about how much God loves us, how much God loves you!

He loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. –John 3:16 (paraphrased)


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