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Are “renewables” good for anything (besides lining the pockets of billionaire cronies)? Solar panels don’t work when the sun isn’t shining. Wind turbines don’t work when there’s no wind — and they don’t work when there’s too much wind, either.

Some wind farms and commercial solar systems in South Australia could be switched off and rooftop solar curtailed later this week.

Now, why is this — and why were swathes of the state blacked out again, for much of last week?

As they did in 2016, when the entire state was blacked out, the legacy media and Climate Cult desperately shuffle the peas and shells to try and baffle us with bullshit.

Work continues to repair the state’s electricity interconnector with Victoria. The link was cut during violent storms on Saturday which brought down a 50-metre transmission tower near Tailem Bend, east of Adelaide.

Why should that matter? Isn’t South Australia a world leader which completely phased out coal-fired power in favour of wind and solar? With all the wind around at the moment, and the sun due to shine uninterrupted next week, they should be rolling in electricity.

With the interconnector out of action, SA is unable to export excess power to Victoria.

ElectraNet chief executive Simon Emms said […] Thursday was looming as the most crucial day when the state would have too much power, forcing some to be dialled back to maintain grid stability.

“On Thursday we’ll work with the Australian Energy Market Operator and SA Power Networks. In the first step they’ll turn off wind farms and commercial solar farms to minimise the impact on rooftop solar,” he said.

And that’s the inescapable problem with “renewables”: they’re so wildly variable that, when they’re not failing the grid by not putting in enough power, they’re frying it by putting in too much.

Compare it to trying to take a shower that refuses to run at a constant temperature: no matter how much you fiddle with the taps, you end up alternatively burnt or frozen. Never comfortably warm.

Just to rub it in, South Australia is having to turn to — you guessed it — fossil fuels.

“To maintain system security, we need a certain number of gas-fired units on, so that requires the dialling down of the renewable generation during the peak period.”

Yahoo! News

That’s right: just when solar output is maxed, they have to turn it off and rely on fossil fuels instead. Up to 70% of the state’s power is coming from gas.

You couldn’t make this up.

And where was South Australia’s much-bragged-about “big battery”?

Meanwhile, South Australia’s pathetic batteries never produced more than one per cent of the state’s power.

Then it went flat.

The interesting part?

Chris Bowen and Albanese say “climate change” will make wild weather more common… and yet their solution is to transition to forms of energy generation that are useless in the wild weather they’re forecasting.

Advance Australia

Tell me we aren’t dealing with a cult, here.
