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Spin City Spirals Out of Dictator Dan’s Control

Construction workers swarm the Westgate Bridge. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As the protests in Melbourne continue for a third day, a socialist government spiralling out of control sets the spin cycle to 11.

The thuggish, far-left boss of the union once led by an avowed Maoist, screeched that his own rank-and-file are “fascists”. The nurses’ union dutifully ran cover for the Labor government.

Premier Daniel Andrews, missing in action for the entire first day of the protests – at odds with his past 18 months of daily propaganda appearances – finally emerged to finger-wag the protests. The commissioner of the police force who sheepishly “took a knee” when BLM protesters defied the city’s first lockdown, raged that: “Now is not the time to protest.”

And, of course, the mainstream media are running wall-to-wall state propaganda. Including the ABC’s 7.30 Report bizarrely branding the protesters “white supremacists”. Then there’s this gem from The Australian:

Police were outfoxed on Tuesday by a chaotic strategy that involved brisk walking down virtually every major street in the CBD for several hours, making it difficult for police to regroup.

The Australian

They’re walking! Briskly! Down the street! Anarchy! Can you imagine the chaos if everyone briskly walked down every major street in the CBD for hours?

Of course, all that walking also involved walking across the Westgate bridge, bringing Melbourne’s major east-west link to a standstill. Although, frankly, having driven across the Westgate at peak hour many times, I’m surprised anyone even noticed the difference. Melbourne’s traffic chaos would almost give Auckland’s gridlocks a run for their money.

The protests are a sign of many things: mostly, that a city which has spent nearly a year of the past 18 months under lockdown is reaching the end of its tether. It’s also a telling sign of just how distant the union leadership has become from its rank-and-file members. As if to prove it, former Labor leader Bill Shorten – who as a union leader made a secret deal with bosses that actually cut the pay of some of the lowest-paid workers in Australia, in return for political kickbacks – screeched that the union protesters were “man-baby Nazis”.

Watching independent video of the first protest at the CFMEU headquarters, it’s clear that, while the crowd outside was rowdy, it was the union reps who busted out of the door, fists swinging – once the police had moved in to back them up. The union leadership is turning on its own members.

CFMEU Victorian secretary John Setka said the union was “trawling” through footage on Facebook to identify members who took part in violent protests over the past few days.

“People that were involved in the violent protest, you know what, they might as well go and pick fruit in Mildura somewhere,” he said.

“They will not be working in our industry. We don’t need people like that.

It might be that it’s John Setka who’s looking for a job, the next time the union puts its hands out for member’s dues.

The union’s national secretary Dave Noonan told 7.30 “very few” CFMEU members were involved in Tuesday’s protests.

He said there was a “very clear” attempt by anti-vaccination groups and extreme right neo-Nazi groups to get massive demonstrations on Melbourne’s streets.

ABC Australia

What was clear, in fact, from footage on the ground, was that a great many of the crowd were looking like the sort of CFMEU you’ll see on most big construction sites. For supposed “neo-Nazis”, they were certainly a diverse group, too: a veritable rainbow of skin tones and migrant accents.

But, hey, don’t let your lyin’ eyes deceive you: those weren’t the sort of ordinary, blue-collar folk you see down the pub and next door, these were wicked “anti-vaxxers” and “neo-Nazis”.

I mean, it’s not like the government and mainstream media would lie to you, is it?

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