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Spinoff Spins Lies for Power Again

“supportive, vibrant and loving”. Photo credit:

There may be worse cartoonists than The Spinoff’s Toby Morris (the odious Cathy Willcox springs to mind, or, on the right, the trite Ben Garrison), but there seem to be few so relentlessly dedicated to telling lies for power.

Morris first blighted the consciousness of many New Zealanders when he teamed up with the pink-haired frightbat herself, to bombard Kiwis with government-approved Covid propaganda. From “two weeks to flatten the curve”, to mask mandates, to vaccine propaganda, there hasn’t been a lie from the Podium of Truth that Morris hasn’t willingly parrotted.

Now, he’s getting in on the “trans” act. Because, of course he is.

In one of his typically childish, fact-averse “info-comics”, Morris claims that men in dresses are being “scapegoated”.

Trump said it was Mexicans, the Brexiteers said it was immigrant workers.

Both of those are lies. Donald Trump never blamed “Mexicans”: he specifically singled out cartels and people-smugglers. The so-called “coyotes”, whom he absolutely accurately damned as “drug dealers, criminals, rapists”. Not Mexicans: in fact, in the very same speech, Trump praised, the great contributions of Mexican-American citizens to our two countries, my love for the people of Mexico, and the leadership and friendship between Mexico and the United States.

Brexiteers like Nigel Farage specifically condemned the illegal immigrants flooding into Britain, courtesy of the EU’s open borders.

But that’s just the start of Morris’ bog-standard farrago of bullshit and outright lies.

There is no evidence that trans people represent a threat to any other group – they are in fact much more likely to be on the receiving end of violence than be perpetrators.

This is a commonly-repeated lie from the tranny lobby — but repetition doesn’t make a lie truthful, no matter how many times they repeat it.

Sydney’s “Trans Day of Remembrance” was embarrassed by, on their own admission, a glaring lack of murdered trannies to “remember”. Data from the UK shows that “trans” people are twice as likely to be murderers as murdered. In Canada, “gender-diverse inmates” are overwhelmingly men who committed sex offences or violent crimes which caused death “or serious harm”, mostly to women and children.

Global crime stats show that the so-called “trans genocide” is a lie on sequined high-heels. Trannies are in fact half as likely to be murder victims as the general population.

Trans people in NZ are four times more likely to be victims of sexual violence than the general population.

A classic example of lying by omission. What Morris neglects to mention is the sad reality that “trans” people generally live in ways that can generously be described as “risky”. Almost all transgender deaths are linked to mental illness, substance abuse and/or sex work.

An astonishing 1 in 5 transgenders is involved in sex work. That’s 270-400 times the rate of the general population in Australia and New Zealand. Sex workers are 18 times more likely to be murdered than others.

Transgenders are also three times more likely to report substance abuse — another lifestyle with a high risk of violence. Around a fifth of UK homicide victims were drug users.

If anything, the rate of sexual violence against transgenders seems astonishingly low for such a risky lifestyle.
Research from 2018 showed more than 70% of NZ trans and non-binary people had avoided public bathrooms that year.

And non “trans and non-binary” New Zealanders? Plenty of people avoid public toilets, for reasons that have nothing to do with fake claims of “scapegoating”.

More than half had contemplated suicide.

Sadly, mental illness will do that to you. Transgenderism is overwhelmingly associated with other mental ill-health conditions. Blaming everyone else for the mental illness issues of transgenderism is the real scapegoating.

Then comes the kicker. Morris claims we’ve seen,

how supportive, vibrant and loving the trans community is.

The Spinoff
Beat Some Tolerance into Them. Photoshopped image credit Wibble. The BFD.

That, over a cartoon depiction of the violent, intolerant lynch mob unleashed by trans activists in Auckland’s Albert Park. A lynch mob who bashed old ladies, assaulted women and as security guards attest, would likely have killed the target of their ire if she had stumbled and fallen.

The Big Lie is alive and well — and raking in PIJF funding — at The Spinoff.
