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‘Spoiled Brat’ Declares the Summit She Was Hailed as a Hero at, a ‘Failure’

So the spoiled brat is scolding us again.

Greta Thunberg joined a large crowd of young people skipping school in Iowa City, Iowa for a  climate change protest on Friday, where she declared the recent United  Nation’s action summit on climate change a flop.

The summit, which ran in conjunction with the U.N.’s annual General  Assembly meeting, featured Thunberg and other youth speakers.

“We told world leaders to act on the science,” Thunberg, 16, said at  the protest inspired by the Fridays for Future school walkout she  started a little over a year ago in her homeland Sweden. “And we  demanded a safe future for us and for everyone.”

brat, Greta Thunberg, who just two weeks ago was being lauded literally as the new messiah has now declared that the summit where she was beatified was a ‘failure’.

“But they didn’t listen,” Thunberg said. “As we all know, the U.N. climate action summit was a failure.”

“That was, unfortunately, what we had expected,” Thunberg said.

Thunberg said world leaders are “uncomfortable” standing behind the “science.”


A failure, huh? A failure moreover that she “expected”. If she expected to fail then why bother? If her childhood hopes and dreams are going to remain stolen then “brat” Greta shouldn’t have been in New York scolding us in the first place. If it was a failure as “expected” then why is she still out of school continuing to scold us all? What is the point? It is about time that she realised that the real culprits in the high crime of stealing her dreams and childhood are her paymasters, like George Soros and her parents, who painted for her a doomsday picture of the future and who have heartlessly used her to further their political agenda.

If I were a rude person I would riff off of last night’s Jeremy Clarkson video, and say that Greta Thunberg should just eff off. I am not that rude, however, so I will simply predict her gradual decline into obscurity.

She will now be ignored because the very summit that was used to beatify her has now been declared a failure; ergo she is a failure. She isn’t so saintly anymore and the silence from the media about her latest huffy outburst is telling.

I think I can safely predict that, like the so-called Occupy movement, these climate whingers will be ignored, then forgotten. Does anyone remember the rowdies occupying everywhere saying that they would stay until they got what they wanted? Well, where are they now? That’s right, nowhere. We all got bored with their scolding and rubbish, their unkempt appearance and their violence and simply ignored them. Then winter came and went and took the losers with them.

Governments will fail to declare climate emergencies, and they won’t make such declarations, because to do so will open them right up to lawsuits over the tide coming in and a few extra puddles forming after a thunderstorm. Then people will start to realise that there actually isn’t an emergency and the world isn’t ending and we will just carry on.

Ardern_pacific_carbon_footprint. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Bloviating politicians like Jacinda Ardern will cuddle their tarnished Nobel Peace Prize and mutter to themselves that no one listened, as they continue to enjoy their winter holidays beside the beach in some tropical paradise that is still there and hasn’t been washed away. Not for them to spend time in a barren winter wasteland when there are warmer climes to enjoy.

Have you ever wondered why these climate conferences always seem to occur in high summer? Never do they have one in the depths of winter in Siberia or Alaska where their rhetoric would be swallowed up and muffled by mountains of inconvenient snow.

As Clarkson said, they, Greta, Jacinda, all of them “can just eff off.”
