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NZNZ PoliticsSport

Sporting Successes Reflect the Political Mood of the Nation


Well the only people happy yesterday morning were those at Sky TV. That’ll teach those sods at Spark! I would imagine there will still be a large TV audience for the final but without the passion. The saddest situation though is Ardern won’t be able to wear her head protective gear as planned when welcoming home the victorious ABs. But on second thought, she will be in her element hugging each and every player, showing compassion, empathy, sympathy and sensitivity (or any other emotional manoeuvre she has mastered) to match the endless configuration of her facial expressions. But unfortunately, she will not participate in the obligatory three-way handshake reserved for World Cup-winning National PMs only. Yet another undelivered promise!

It has been observed that the political mood of the nation is often reflected through our sporting successes, so the demise of the ABs, the Kiwis and the Silver Ferns all on the same weekend must suggest our moods are somewhat fragile. And quite frankly, I blame the COL government, if for no other reason than I choose to. The consequence of having to endure two years of diabolical political mismanagement is now filtering down through the nation’s psyche. Participation is more important than winning. The failure of promised outcomes has become the norm.

It is not that these dedicated and determined young sportsmen and women have let us down, but might I suggest, the pride that this country once enjoyed is diminishing by the day, and the stench of the continuous failures delivered by our current administration has provided us with the perfect antidote when confronting sporting malfunctions. The most significant thing though was the grace and humility in which the ABs accepted their defeat. Here lies the lesson which this COL must learn. They are historically the worst administration this country has encountered but they strut their failures with pride. This is unforgivable. The ABs will rise again, this COL won’t. They will be stewing in the bowels of their global warming hangi pit never to see the light of day again.
