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Stan’s Tanty Lacks a Skerrick of Evidence

Which orange is more annoying? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Is Stan Grant Australia’s very own “Jussie Smollett”? As you will recall, Smollett, the black American actor, became a figure of mockery with his lurid and wildly improbable claim of a “racist attack”. Smollett was later jailed for lying to police.

We can nurse no such hope in the case of Stan Grant, but at least we’re apparently to be spared his endless sanctimony and race-baiting at our, the Australian taxpayer’s, expense. For a while, maybe.

Q+A host Stan Grant said he is “down right now” but “will get back up” after taking a much-needed break from his role at the public broadcaster.

I’ll believe that when I see it. Grant is as addicted to attention-seeking as he is to taxpayer’s money. But, what has prompted his latest drama-queen hissy fit?

Visibly upset, the Wiradjuri, Gurrawin and Dharawal man hosted his final Q+A program on Monday night before taking an indefinite break and in the final minutes of the show he condemned those who had racially attacked him and his family and said the online abuse had taken a toll.

“Wiradjuri, Gurrawin and Dharawal”? Oddly, Grant never cites his European ancestry. Nor does he simply identify as “Australian”. Interesting.

But, more importantly, Grant has not once, in his weeks of whining about “racial abuse”, cited a single skerrick of evidence.

Grant announced last Friday he was standing down as host of Q+A and would no longer write columns for the ABC after declaring he was the target of “relentless” racial abuse […]

“I’m not walking away for a while because of racism, we get that far too often, I’m not walking away because of social media hatred, I need a break from the media.

“Relentless.” “Far too often.” Yet — not a single example.

No screencaps, no links, no quotes. Not one single iota of evidence.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence

Christopher Hitchens

Yet, despite the complete lack of evidence for Grants’s extraordinary claims, his mere word is being treated as gospel in woke circles.

Besides, it’s just too good an excuse for an industry of taxpayer-funded leeches to bludge an afternoon off.

ABC managing director David Anderson issued a public apology to Grant on Sunday and expressed sorrow that he had been the target of “such sickening behaviour”.

On Monday hundreds of ABC staff walked off the job across the country, some holding signs that read, “I Stand With Stan” and “We Reject Racism”, while others held Aboriginal flags.

The Australian

Notice that not one of them offered to quit the supposedly “racist” taxpayer-funded broadcaster. One wonders if they donated their half-day’s salary to an Aboriginal charity?

Or did they just have a paid afternoon off?

The protests were not classed as industrial action, an ABC spokesperson said. “People gathered to show their support for Stan and take a stand against ­racism. It wasn’t industrial action,” they said.

The Australian

Many on social media expressed the fervent wish that the ABC virtue-signallers would stay off the job, and take the rest of their colleagues with them.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are being hectored to believe the worst of our fellow citizens, in a complete vacuum of evidence. Which is par for the course for the race-baiting grievance industry. Race hoaxes are so common that there are entire websites dedicated to chronicling them.

In any case, the race-baiting left cannot accept that criticism of their self-anointed Victims is anything other than “racism”. When football crowds booed Adam Goodes, it couldn’t possibly be because they despised his open staging for free kicks. When Yassmin Abdel-Magied was pilloried, it couldn’t possibly be because Australians were angry at her for mocking Anzac Day.

And when Stan Grant used King Charles’ coronation as a bully platform for a white-bashing, Australia-bashing tirade, it was everyone who criticised him who was “racist”. Even the widespread mockery of Grant’s obvious fake tan, to the point of being almost blackface, isn’t well-deserved criticism, it’s “racism”.

Yeah, we all see it, lady. The BFD.

Sorry Stan Smollett — not good enough.

Provide real evidence of real racist abuse, or shut the hell up for good.


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