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State Premiers Love the Taste of Mutton

I’ve never been a fan of Bronwyn Bishop, not least for her blatant trougherism when she was caught using a government-funded helicopter to go from Melbourne to Geelong for a party beano. That said, though, even people we ordinarily despise can be right sometimes.

And when Bishop says that the Wuhan pandemic has turned Australia into a nation of sheep being controlled by state premiers “with a real taste for mutton”, she is absolutely right.

State premiers, Liberal and Labor, are absolutely drunk on the power they’ve come to wield. Peter Gutwein and Mark McGowan are keeping Tasmania and WA resolutely sealed off from the rest of the nation in blatant defiance of the Constitution. Queensland’s Annastacia Palaszczuk refused to allow a northern NSW mother to visit her ill newborn baby in a Queensland hospital, claiming Queenslanders have “our” hospitals, and NSW have “theirs”.

But the most power-mad dictator of this totalitarian bunch must surely be Beijing’s pet premier, Daniel Andrews. As Bishop says, Andrews is a “dedicated socialist, and behaving like any other dictator”.

Whilst rumours are flying that Andrews will exit politics some time in the next year, to avoid being ignominiously booted, “Dictator Dan” is making sure his boot heel won’t be lifted from Victorians’ throats any time soon.

Victoria will seek to extend its legal powers to enforce coronavirus restrictions well into 2021, with Premier Daniel Andrews conceding that the pandemic will continue to impact daily life for some time.

With state of emergency provisions due to end on September 13 and community transmission still occurring, the government will seek to alter the Public Health and Wellbeing Act to allow the state of emergency provisions, which currently have a six-month cap, to run for a further 12 months.

With typical socialist disregard for the truth, Andrews is still blaming Victoria’s failures on everyone but himself. In particular, he’s still peddling the lie that the current wave of infections were caused by “hundreds” of people ignoring isolation. We now know for a fact that that was a lie.

The Premier welcomed the reduction in new case numbers and said they were a sign that people were doing the right thing.

They always were. The wrongdoing was all from a government which abrogated its responsibilities, put woke intersectionality ahead of competence or accountability, and lied, lied, lied.

It remains to be seen whether the Victorian opposition will finally grow a pair and stand up to Andrews’ totalitarianism.

The announcement, which will require support from the opposition and the cross bench, came as the state reported 116 new cases over the past 24 hours; its lowest increase since early July when the state made the decision to impose stage three restrictions. Stage four restrictions are currently in place for metropolitan Melbourne.

Meanwhile, as inevitably happens in dictatorships, bureaucratic bastardry is running amok.

Spouses of Australians are having to submit scores of papers begging to be allowed into the country to be reunited with their families, but are being rejected.

It appears that those trapped in the latest bureaucratic nightmare are New Zealanders, particularly those who are spouses of Australian citizens.

Mind you, when thousands of Australians are being bumped off even business class flights as many as six times because of government caps, it seems hard to garner sympathy for cashed-up Kiwis who make a habit of regularly jet-setting.

Candies Sullivan, is a New Zealander and has previously travelled every eight weeks between the family home in Queensland, where her Australian born children are, and her Australian husband who is based in Hong Kong as an airline pilot.

We should all be in a position where not being able to flit in and out of Honkers every two months is our biggest hassle.

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