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Professor Marcia Langton. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

Some people just can’t help themselves. Beauty, as the saying goes, may be skin deep, but ugly goes all the way through. People who are full of nothing but piss, vinegar and bile can try and hide it, but the ugly truth always erupts to the surface in short order.

For all Yes campaigner Noel “You f-ing white c-t” Pearson’s unconvincing snake-oil pitch about “loving them on the beaches”, it took nanoseconds for his fellow trougher Marcia Langton to revert to leftist type.

Prominent Indigenous campaigner for the voice to parliament, Marcia Langton, has previously described Jacinta Price and her mother Bess as the “coloured help” for conservative think tanks and accused one in every five voters at the upcoming referendum of “spewing racism” […]

On Wednesday, she also doubled down on her claim made on Sunday at a public forum in Bunbury, Western Australia, that the No campaign could be reduced to “base racism” or “sheer stupidity”, in an extensive interview on ABC radio.

Despite denying “absolutely” that she was branding No voters “racist and stupid”, Langton went right to repeat her sneering hate.

“What I was saying was that the claims made by the No campaign are based in racism and stupidity,” she said […]

However, footage of Professor Langton speaking at the University of Queensland on July 7 this year was broadcast a short time later on Sky News in which she suggested a large number of No voters and 20 per cent of the population were “spewing ­racism”.

The Australian

Langton’s fellow Yes troughers have clearly realised how much damage she has done to their already-floundering cause.

Sky News host Chris Kenny says Professor Marcia Langton fell for the “leftist mistake” of abusing the very voters the Yes campaign needs to win the Voice to Parliament referendum.

Kenny, though, is a long-time spruiker for the Voice, so naturally he tries in the next breath to hand-wave it all away.

Mr Kenny said the Indigenous leader has “always been a firebrand” and has been aggressive in public debates in the past.

“She’s always been like this, always someone who can be incendiary in public debate and divisive,” Mr Kenny said.


Or, to put it another way: she’s just your regular, hate-filled leftist, substituting bile and rancor for reasoned argument.

Senator Price told The Australian Professor Langton “can’t understand that some people, ­especially other Aboriginal people, might have a different view to her”. “She and too many other voice advocates resort to emotional blackmail and attacks because they are unable to argue the merits of their own divisive voice proposal,” she said.

The Australian
Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney refused to condemn Professor Langton’s comments in parliament after being asked by deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley if the remarks were in accord with her request for people involved in the referendum to act respectfully and with care.

“There is no room for racism in Australia. The pain of racism is real for those people who have experienced it. It is something that should not be used for political purposes,” Ms Burney said.

And, yet, here Labor is, trying to entrench racism in the Constitution, with an amendment that will cement racial separatism into the fundamental fabric of our laws. As Jacinta Price points out, the whole Voice proposal is mired in race-based thinking.

Using Professor Langton’s own words to attack her, Senator Price declared that “what would be ­racist, is segmenting our nation into ‘us’ and ‘them’”.

“You have to say it would also be stupidity to divide a nation when it has been growing ever more cohesive. To split it along fractures of race rather than try to bring it closer together,” she said. “My hope is that, after October 14, after defeating this voice of division, we can bring accountability to existing structures, and we can get away from assuming inner-city activists speak for all Aboriginals, and back to focusing on the real ­issues: education, employment, economic participation and safety from violence and sexual assault.”

The Australian

But that would be too hard for a “prominent Aboriginal academic”. Far easier to just keep screaming “racist!” at everyone.
