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Sticking Their Heads in the Sand

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We here at The BFD now have it confirmed by PREFU that Labour has been spending  money we don’t have like a spoiled teenager from a rich family with a limitless credit card. This has ruined the country’s finances and brought us to Third World status, one place above Equatorial Guinea in the IMF ranking. Apparently Grant Robertson thinks, if indeed we can be that generous, this is us doing well. However, this delusional and mentally deficient lefty thinking is not confined to Central Government. Oh no, left-wing thinking elsewhere is similarly mentally impaired, delusional and destructive. This is highly prevalent in the usual suspects around the country in Local Government, which ranges from some common sense to outright lunacy and all in between. Occasionally a good mayor gets in with some good councillors, but the norm is usually mediocrity to downright idiotic. At the lower end of this scale, likely even the bottom and if not hotly contesting for it, is the Wellington City Council (WCC). Many cynical Wellingtonians have alternative meanings for the acronym, such as Wellington Communist City, which is particularly accurate as Wellington Central has been a Labour stronghold forever, it seems, with the Greens attempting to take it this election with a dire WCC councillor, the perpetually obnoxious and ideologically dangerous Tamatha Paul.

Ergo it is little surprise that Wellington has a firmly communist council with the usual generous smattering of vicious and bitter harpies with ugly personalities and visages, continually pursed mouths in permanent scold mode and bad haircuts, that seem to be the image of choice for female comrades. It hasn’t been all bad, with some sensible councillors who are generally outnumbered by the female Stalins and their effete male soy latte sidekicks. It started going far left in earnest with two terms of a Green mayor, the aptly nicknamed Wade-Brown, whose image was like that of someone’s batty aunt off the medication riding her Miss Marple bike everywhere; followed by a perpetually vacuously grinning Justin Lester, who gave the impression he was on too much medication; a beleaguered Andy Foster, who couldn’t rein in the clown show; and finally in 2022 a Green Party apparatchik manoeuvred into position by cunning campaigning, voter apathy and a slew of lefty ghouls. With the few exceptions of Ray Chung, Diane Calvert and Nicola Young (and possibly one or two I’ve forgotten), Wellington has a far-left-wing circus of destructive delusion. This has been aptly demonstrated as written in a brief NZ Herald article, published on September 14. The link is here.

A Wellington City councillor has sought legal advice to reveal the council needs to cut capital expenditure by “tens of millions of dollars if not hundreds of millions of dollars” in the coming years.

Cr Diane Calvert made the comments today during a public debate on the council’s Zero Waste Programme.

Calvert said councillors do not know “the specifics” but received a behind-closed-doors briefing yesterday on the state of the council’s finances.

“We are facing significant challenges coming up and we are going to have to make significant decisions.”

Discussions yesterday on how the council might move forward included focusing on finishing projects that have already been started, meeting legal obligations and addressing underperforming infrastructure, she said.

“This is a financial crisis for us.”

Of course a Maori activist lefty has doubts about this being made public.

Cr Nikau Wi Neera asked if it was appropriate for the financial details in Calvert’s speech to be revealed in public.

Yes, best to hide it. Naturally the typical Marxist response is to bleed the ratepayer wallet some more, instead of having fiscal prudence and facing up to reality.

The council confirmed a 12.3% rates increase in June.

One Wellington resident said the increase has pushed their fortnightly rates bill from $170 up to $203.

Well that’s terrible and a proposed $5,278 annually, but chicken feed compared to many others. I’m paying around $150 per week now before the June rise, not fortnightly. Naturally the lefty media play it down with a cherry-picked example, likely in a cheaper suburb.

However the ex-Green Party apparatchik mayor does not want a bar of common sense or nasty old fiscal responsibility. Tory Whanau, who seems to get her cues from Australia’s Airbus Albo (thanks for the expression Lushington) and flits around all over the place by aeroplane (Oh the emissions, the emissions), when not being drunk and slipping out of paying restaurant bills, wants to be bold. She must have been admiring too many Soviet-era statues of resolute and bold, nasty scumbags.

Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau has previously acknowledged it was a tough economic climate, but said now was the time to be bold, rather than trying to keep rates down.

Incredible isn’t it. Keep Wellington’s already exorbitant rates down? Rates that are pushing lower and fixed-income people out of town. Don’t be absurd. Whanau and the communist apparatchiks want to stroke their immense left-wing egos and be bold and to hell with fiscal prudence to avoid a financial calamity.

These clowns must have all gone to the Grant Robertson school of finance, whose motto is: “To hell with fiscal knowledge and caution when you can hope and pray…and be bold”.
