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Still Feeling ‘Safe’ Now, Lady-Boy?

Dylan Mulvaney ‘fled’ to Peru… how’s that working out?

The Peruvians know mental illness when they see it. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Life comes at you fast. One minute you’re putting a dress and some lippy and fleeing to a ‘safe’ country, the next, that same country is (shock, horror) sternly reminding you that you can’t just assault women, no matter how much you’ve got your frilly knickers in a twist.

Or, even funnier, reminding you that you’re not a real woman: you’re just a mentally ill man in a dress.

TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney is seeking solace in Peru amid the onslaught of anti-trans harassment she’s [he’s] faced in recent months.

That ‘harassment’ being a whole lot of people deciding they don’t really want to drink a shitty beer promoted by a screaming nancy-boy pretending to be a girl, just for attention.

To date, that boycott has resulted in Bud Light losing almost a third of its market share and ending its decades-long reign as the nation’s No 1 light beer. Modelo now holds that title […]

The influencer revealed that she [he] traveled to Peru […]

“I feel very safe here,” she [he] continued. “It’s a little sad that I had to leave my country to feel safe, but that will get better eventually.”

How’s that working out for you, my man?

The Peruvian government has officially classified transgender, nonbinary and intersex people as “mentally ill.”

The decree will supposedly alter the language in the Essentials Health Insurance Plan to reflect that trans and intersex people have a mental disorder, LGBTQ+ outlet Pink News reported.

Despite the change, trans and other LGBTQ+ people will not be forced to undergo conversion therapies, the health ministry insisted in a statement issued on Friday, the outlet reported.

Unlike in the US, Australia and NZ, where mentally ill children are pushed into the worst conversion therapy of all: being chemically and surgically mutilated and sterilised in the name of converting them to another ‘gender’.

Of course, telling the truth is the one thing guaranteed to set the tranny lobby flouncing and screeching.

Peru will stop listing individuals who identify as transgender, among others, as suffering from mental disorders, the country's health ministry announced on Tuesday, following a backlash to the move that critics derided as unnecessary and discriminatory.

Will they, though?

In its Tuesday statement, the ministry said is will no longer refer to the individuals as suffering from any disorder, but instead will use the term “gender discordance” for purposes of mental and behavioral health classifications eligible for care.

So, they’re not mentally ill: they just have a mental illness.

Such is the pretzel logic we’re forced to tell ourselves, once we start lying that men can become women and vice versa.

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