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Image credit The BFD.

As the Long March through the Institutions topples one bastion of Western civilisation after another, it might have been thought that the military would be the last to fall to Wokeism. After all, the military more than any other institution is steeped in such “right wing” concepts as hierarchy, obedience and merit-based promotion.

Perhaps so — and we really have reached the end-point of the Long March, because Western militaries have clearly surrendered with barely a squeak of protest.

The American military has just been subjected to the sort of ideological purge not seen since Stalin’s day, with personnel vetted for allegiance to the ruling administration and required to undergo a rigorous re-education program. Standards have been systematically lowered to ensure, not the most formidable fighting force possible, but the most “diverse” and “inclusive”. The military even hoisted a rainbow flag in Kabul — shortly before running up the white one, and running away.

Still, at least one senior officer in Britain’s RAF managed to show some admirable spine in the face of the Long March of Wokery.

The RAF’s head of recruitment resigned after reportedly refusing to follow a diversity order to prioritise women and ethnic minority candidates over white men.

The group captain, who heads the RAF’s 450-strong recruitment team, reportedly told her boss in an email on August 4 that she thought allocating slots on RAF training courses based only on gender or ethnicity was “unlawful” […]

A minister said on Friday that any evidence of positive discrimination within the RAF would be investigated, following allegations the service has “paused” offering new roles to white men.

Now, you or I might think that refusing to employ someone based on their skin colour and sex is plain old racism and sexism. But racism and sexism are just A-OK when it’s down in the name of “diversity”.

James Heappey, the Armed Forces minister, denied claims that a “pause” had been put in place on job offers for white men in favour of women and ethnic minorities, in order to hit diversity targets.

Surely the only target the RAF should be worried about hitting is the enemy?

Defence sources said the recruitment chief quit on the same day as she was not prepared to implement the “course loading”.

She resigned as Group Captain Recruitment & Selection, based at RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire, but is still a serving RAF officer, the Ministry of Defence confirmed […]

An RAF spokesperson said the concerns raised by the now-resigned head of recruitment had been “addressed” by her chain of command.


In other words, she’s been shoved aside while a more obediently spineless desk jockey is found.

Maybe they’ll name the new “diverse” recruits the Stonewallwaffen SSM?
