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3 women smiling and standing near white wall
Photo by Igor Rodrigues

Is there anything more unintentionally hilarious than a credentialled idiot wailing at a laughing, mocking room, “I have a PhD!”? As I often say, any fool can get a PhD, and many often do. Of course, a PhD used to be a signifier of serious intellectual commitment. Nowadays, it most often merely signifies that someone had the means to spend a few years ticking the academic boxes and saying exactly what their supervisors wanted to hear. Which was usually something so foolish that no one would give it an instant’s credence outside the ivory towers.

“One has to belong to the ‘intelligentsia’ to believe things like that,” as Orwell wrote. “No ordinary man could be such a fool.”

Unfortunately, today’s “intelligentsia” are not just fools, but barking mad. So, they’re apt to believe any outlandish thing they’re told, such as that there are no anatomical differences between men and women.

And so we arrive to the unintentionally hilarious spectacle of an “expert” saying something so very, very stupid – and bewildered as to why everyone’s laughing.

A champion female swimmer, Riley Gaines, recently gave a talk at the University of Pittsburgh on the topic of biological males in women’s sports. This comes after transgender swimmer Lia Thomas made headlines by breaking multiple female records despite formally being considered a mid-range swimmer as a man. Gaines has been one of the loudest critics of Thomas being allowed in the women’s competition.

For which she has been vilified, abused, screamed at and threatened with violence by the very people who blatherskite most loudly about “no hate”. As women tend to be, these days, if they dare speak up for their rights.

A senior lecturer in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh, appeared to reject the idea that there are fundamental physical differences between men and women. Gaines, who was present, asked him, ‘If you were to dig up two humans 100 years from now, both a man and a woman, would you be able to tell the difference strictly off of bones?’

The lecturer replied, ‘No’, prompting laughter and groans from the audience.

It was at this point that the credentialed cretin wailed,

“I’m not sure why I’m being laughed at if I’m the expert in the room… I have a PhD!”

Yes, well, as “experts” have seemed determined to prove for the last three years, their only real expertise is in being resolutely wrong. Almost always about what they claim to be “experts” about.

Such as anthropology.

It seems there are plenty of ‘experts’, including those within the media, politics and university campuses, that have forgotten what most seven-year-olds know: that boys and girls are different ‘downstairs’, to put it politely.

I happen to have a PhD also, but I do not need my PhD to know that by examining human bones there are obvious anatomical differences between the sexes, particularly in the pelvic region. The discipline of genetics cements the fact that despite hormone or surgical treatments, every cell in the bodies of transgender females, with the exception of some sperms, have a Y chromosome, which females do not have, except in extremely rare cases where the Y chromosome is shut down.

So, how did we get to the stage that a PhD can not only say something so very stupid, but be flummoxed when everyone else mocks them for his stupidity?

What seems clear is that there are some whose scientific training has been marinated in activism […]

But the damage is not only on gullible students, but entire institutions and professions have also been swayed by aggressive tactics of the trans-activist movement. The wholly bizarre and anti-science push by activists to stop anthropologists and archaeologists assigning sex to human remains has been going on for a while. What is more concerning is that this push to forget the most basic of facts extends even to the medical discipline. Legislation is being pushed by Democratic state senators in Pennsylvania to remove sex designation on birth certificates, something supported by the American Medical Association since 2021.

As Michael Knowles recently asked a “transgender” emergency medical technician: “If you were presented with a biological male who said that their stomach pain was due to miscarriage, what would you say?” The tranny EMT was flummoxed.

This is far from a smart-alecky “gotcha” scenario, though.

Real-world consequences are being felt as a result of this ideology. In 2019, a nurse treating a transgender man with abdominal pain did not realise that she was treating a case of pregnancy, as the biological female was labelled as a man in the relevant documentations. Sadly, the baby was stillborn.

Spectator Australia

At the same time, children with a host of mental and other health issues (especially autism) are not being given the medical care they need. Instead, they are being thrown on the “trans” conveyor belt, chemically and surgically neutered and their young bodies and minds mutilated for life.

None of us needs a PhD to see how horrifically wrong it all is.
