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Stop the Gender Whisperers, Say Parents

One of the most notorious aspects of the relentless pushing of transgender ideology in schools is that it is being imposed mostly by stealth and against the wishes of parents.

As The BFD’s exposés have shown, radical and anti-scientific transgender ideology is frequently snuck into schools under the false guise of “anti-bullying” programs or “reducing violence against women”. Which is a lie, of course, but a convenient one for the gender whisperers, as it allows them to attack critics as bullies and wife-beaters.

Similarly, when a group of Australian parents pushed back against the radical Marxist program masquerading as anti-bullying, “Safe Schools”, they were attacked as “bigots” and “religious right”. Sydney doctor Pansy Lai was ruthlessly piled on by the offenderati.

But no matter how loud the screeching of the tiny clique of Twitter bullies, they do not represent the wishes of Australian parents. A new survey is showing just how widespread is the opposition among Australian parents to transgender ideology in schools.

A strong majority of voters polled across both major parties want parents to have a veto over classes teaching children they can change gender.

In the first national survey on so-called “gender fluidity” at school, 88 per cent of Coalition supporters and 72 per cent of Labor loyalists agreed parents should have the right to know what is being taught and be free to pull children out of class.

Kirralie Smith from the group Binary, which commissioned the survey of 3842 people as part of its fight against the “de-gendering of society”, said the solid support for parents’ rights showed politicians could not keep dodging this “hot potato” issue out of fear of attack as “transphobes”.

Of course the rainbow bullies will try and dismiss the survey simply because it is associated with a conservative Christian activist. But all that matters is the validity of the survey and what it says.

What it says is damning for both the sneaky transgender activists and the gutless politicians who refuse to stand up to them.

“We don’t need ‘gender whisperers’ in schools; let kids be kids”

Scott Morrison
“The average mum and dad, your average citizen, is concerned about this gender theory that’s being imposed upon children in schools,” Ms Smith said.

“And they will vote accordingly, they have said through this survey that gender issues will be part of their consideration when it comes to the next election.”

Parents’ groups say they believe confusion in class about the unchanging reality of biological sex is part of the reason for the exponential global surge in often troubled teenagers, chiefly girls, declaring themselves transgender and seeking life-changing medical treatment in children’s hospital gender clinics[…]but the critics include LGBT community members who say the under­lying queer theory allows no boundaries and is at odds with safeguarding of children.

Lesbian groups, along with many feminists, are dismayed at transgenderism’s attack at the very notion of womanhood and its dire implications for women’s and girls’ rights. Some gay groups are appalled at being associated with cross-dressing children dancing for money in gay bars and “drag queen story hour” (which seems to have a notable problem with sex offenders).

What’s even more telling is that almost half of the Greens’ voters support parents’ right to veto transgender education. Young people, not conservative oldies, are also strongly opposed to gender whispering.

Concern in the survey about teachers telling students they can change gender “based on how they feel” cut across age groups, reaching almost 80 per cent among young people around the age of marriage[…]

Pamela Buffone, founder of the group Canadian Gender Report which opposes trans medicalisation of children, told The Weekend Australian: “Many parents have told me that their children became convinced they were trans after a school workshop usually in middle school — average age about 11[…]Some parents’ groups and young adult “detransitioners” who regret gender change see a link between this education trend and trans medicalisation of troubled girls going through puberty.

The creepy transgender activists have had free rein to whisper their poison in our children’s ears for far too long. Politicians have been too cowardly to stand up to the rainbow bullies.

But, as surveys like this are showing, politicians need to start listening to voters.

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