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Struggle Sessions Are So Hot Right Now

UK teacher sacked for thoughtcrime.

He’s making them feel unsafe. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady

As the Babylon Bee recently wrote, German In Jail For A Meme Sure Hopes EU Can Stop Spread Of Russian Tyranny. JD Vance was absolutely correct to wonder who’d actually won the Cold War. Because Europe is sure behaving exactly like the Stasi states that were supposedly brought down in ’89.

If Europe is bad enough, post-Brexit Britain is even worse. UK police who have, as Douglas Murray blisteringly notes, not solved a single burglary in a calendar year, nonetheless dedicate massive resources to banging up people for sharing memes or monstering them for ‘non-crime hate incidents’.

Cartoon by Patriarchy Comics

Every time it looks as though Britain is making a gasping reach for a modicum of sanity, its loony elite pull it right back under again.

An employment tribunal in Wales is upholding the cancellation of a teacher for criticising Islam, abortion, and the LGBTQ.

Now, did he do this in front of a classroom of impressionable children? Which, after all, woke UK teachers regularly do in regards to white people and Christians, as well as teaching children the finer points of fisting, using Grindr and scat fetishes.

Did he even really ‘criticise’ Islam and ‘the LGBTQ’?

No. No, he didn’t. Literally none of that is true.

Not only was he speaking to a group of adults well away from the classroom, all he really said affirmed a standard Christian belief.

Ben Dybowski, a teaching temp at an Anglican school in Wales was fired for sharing his opinions at a “safe space” training session with over 100 other teachers.

Some teachers took exception to questions he was asking, and reported Dybowski for hurting their feelings.

They had taken offence at Dybowski’s views that life began at conception, marriage was only between a male and a female, and that Sharia law was a problem.

So, according to the hurty-feelings brigade, beating spouses, killing homosexuals and apostates, and anti-Semitism – all aspects of Sharia law – are perfectly fine?

He was, the court ruling said, seeking clarification from the trainer about whether or not ‘expressing his beliefs could be discrimination,’ under the UK’s Equality Act.

According to the chronological recount, some colleagues viewed Dybowski’s questions as hate speech, implying that the teacher was hijacking the training meeting.

At a meeting with the school’s principal the following day, Dybowski was told staff wanted him fired on the spot.

Ah, yes: they’re so tolerant and welcoming that they’ll get you sacked if you say a single thing they don’t like.

The Principal fired Dybowski after he refused to play along with what is best described as a – join-the-group-think-or-else – struggle session.

Failing to convince Dybowski that his opinions, and words were violence, which violated the UK Equality Act, the Anglican school principal demanded he leave.

During the struggle session, Dybowski was told, that either asking questions or sharing his views, whether in private or in his profession, was liable to cause great offence.

Dybowski’s views on Islam, abortion, and the LGBTQ also reflected poorly on the Anglican school’s “welcoming ethos.”

Some jokes – however black – write themselves.

Dybowski was also alleged to have “threatened” the life of a transitioning teenager for not using the LGBTrans identifying person’s preferred pronoun.

However, the judgement said, the evidence did not support claims that Dybowski was intentionally “abusive” to the student because it was shown he simply got the person’s preferred pronouns mixed up […]

When describing the law as policing “thought crimes or opinion crimes,” Dybowski stated, “it’s the closest to 1984 I’ve ever been.”

The principal, not content to leave it there, went further and denounced Dybowski.

Just like the good old ‘Struggle Sessions’ of yore.

How soon before Britain starts building its own Gulag Archipelago in the Outer Hebrides. Or, worse, Bradford.

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He Is Not Chastened

He Is Not Chastened

Most in Polkinghorne’s situation would have been relieved at the not guilty verdict, gratefully taken it as a win and left matters to rest rather than rake over the coals. But not this raging egotist, apparently.

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