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Tourism Minister Stuart Nash. The BFD

Sir Bob Jones

Stuart Nash is one of the more affable Government MPs. God knows what he’s doing in the Labour Party.

A forestry expert with two forestry degrees and needless to say, like seemingly every typist, taxi driver, road worker etc, etc, the possessor of a law degree, it’s my pick he will pull stumps and seek a career change anytime soon.

Ignore the polls. The government is doomed and will be swept out of office in October. Enoch Powell’s famous dictum springs to mind, namely that all political careers end in failure. Stu should move on before it applies to him.

I suspect there will be lots of sinking ship-jumping by government MPs before October as the prospect of Opposition will be decidedly unappealing.

Commenting on “Nash’s” “crime” we learn that the Cabinet manual prohibits cabinet members criticising judges’ decisions. If so that’s a bloody ridiculous edict. Judges’ decisions are open to everyone else to criticise so why stop cabinet ministers?

Hardly a week passes when a judge’s decision doesn’t have us all furious, usually with its leniency. Saying it’s a tough job (which it is) should not come into it. No one forces people to become judges.

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