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voter fraud election USA America steal Democrats Biden

A reputable NZ journalist with decades of experience under his belt writes for the ODT saying 2020 was “The year Donald Trump lost — badly.

Given the wealth of evidence about US election fraud emerging recently and reported as “baseless” by NZ media; labelled by Twitter and Facebook as “containing false information,” the learned gentleman is probably trolling, or did he spend the festive season hiding in a broom cupboard with a roast stuffed turkey and a dozen mince pies? Whatever his reason, such media stupidity deserves to be challenged.

Forrest Gump was asked several times if he was stupid and he always responded with “stupid is as stupid does”. He meant that judging someone based on initial appearance is stupid. It was a clever little insult directed at a stupid questioner. Forrest’s mental speed is evidently slower than most; a smart person would wait to evaluate his actions rather then rely on any initial impression.

Media presentation of Trump never got past the reality show host, and Canadian Brad Bird’s analysis of Trump as “lacking tact, refinement and modesty” is accurate although Bird absolves himself and Trump by listing Trump’s substantial achievements.

What Trump lacks in superficial niceties is more than compensated by his resolve to protect and promote Americans.

Bird ponders on the reason many have been slow to recognise Trump’s extraordinary achievements and claims “dereliction of duty by American media who abandoned objectivity in their quest to dispose of the hated incumbent—who hurt their collective feelings with his disdain…”

When US media intentions were clear, Trump did indeed scorn and deride them – as they deserved – but the reverberation of their collective fury still circles the globe. Bird gives credit where credit is due, bemoaning the shallow pool of determined leadership that Trump exhibits.

“As a Canadian I applaud him for his honesty and action on many fronts: Iran’s nuclear intentions; China’s responsibility for the virus, its unfair trade practices, and other threats to the United States and the free world; returning manufacturing to the United States; and confronting the Democrats’ vacuity and threat to democracy.
In the 1930s, Winston Churchill was much-abused and belittled for voicing his unpopular convictions, as is Trump. Can Canada produce a leader as stout-hearted and courageous? I doubt it, because most of us are too polite, apologetic, and tainted by wokeness and political correctness to see and fight for the truth.”

Except that if more Americans voted for Trump in 2020 than didn’t, surely the power of legacy media is indeed diminished. Are smart people abandoning media-camp stupid because they woke up to the numerous scams of 2020 pedalled by stupid politicians and media alike?

By dismissing the frivolous or delusional issues of gender politics, climate change, and the construction of a “green” economy, Trump has saved his country billions of dollars in foolish remedial efforts which would only have bled its industrial lifeblood, harmed millions of lives, and weakened the country further in the face of the rising communist threat. China’s GDP is almost 80 percent of America’s and closing; in Cold War times, the Soviet Union achieved only about 30 percent. China has about 1.4 billion people compared to 330 million in the United States.”

Bird knows the outcome of the US election will affect all Western relationships with China and although Trump is fully aware of the CCP threat Joe Biden’s family noses are firmly in a Chinese money trough. Joe is tainted and on the wrong side of the fence where East meets West. “China is no competition to us” he says.

Bird also recognises the CCP threat to democracy.

This period, right now, is one of the most dangerous for the world since the collapse of the USSR. This is partly because of perceptions and partly because of reality: a key perception is that the United States is so weakened and distracted by the COVID contagion and a disputed election that it may not respond militarily to Chinese provocation, such as aggression on Taiwan. I believe this to be false, so long as Trump is in office. The reality is, Joe Biden has never demonstrated the backbone or principled conviction to stand up to China’s autocrats, and may not if push comes to shove.”

The Epoch Times

Bird accuses China of releasing COVID-19 on the world and hijacking the US election to replace the formidable Trump with puppet Biden.

They got away with it through a corrupt US media bought and paid for by the CCP.

“In June, China Daily filed a disclosure with the Justice Department showing that, since November 2016, it had paid $19 million to U.S. media outlets, including $12 million to newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times. Other newspapers included the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Seattle Times, Houston Chronicle and Foreign Policy.”


So who is producing “baseless and false information” about US election fraud?

Our media is regurgitating cover ups, lies and half truths from Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg and others comprised by media bought and paid for by the CCP.

The hundreds of stories derived from affidavits and video testimony from experts are reproduced by Newsmax, The Epoch Times, Breitbart, Gatestone and PJ Media along with the myriads of small independent American news outlets who get no international coverage.

Who are the fact checkers at Facebook? Associated Press of course!

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