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Suffer the Children: Another Grim Failure of Lockdown Policies

Depression young woman sad unhappy

Just over a year ago, I dubbed the policy response to the Chinese virus “the Moloch option”. The West had chosen to sacrifice its children to placate the plague demons.

Worse, I said, COVID policies resembled the horrifying practices of the Aztec Tlaloc cult. In that cult, children were tormented because Tlaloc feasted on the tears of the young.

Tlaloc would be gorging himself in Britain, right now.

The number of children taking antidepressants has soared to an all-time high during the pandemic, with a 40 per cent surge in drugs being prescribed to those under the age of 17.

The investigation comes amid warnings that rising numbers are suffering “locked-in trauma” following repeated lockdowns, school closures, isolation and fear of the virus.

An acquaintance in Britain recently related how, despite the lifting of restrictions, their child was actually afraid to go outside and play with others. These people had done their best not to catastrophise the pandemic to their children, but politicians and the media did it for them.

It seems that their anecdote is far from the only one.

Experts said many children were suffering behavioural problems fuelled by lockdowns, social distancing and fear of infection, with many now anxious about everyday social activities.

Health officials said their own children were suffering panic attacks about playdates, with some scared to leave the house.

Surely this is the most disgusting indictment of the media-political elite imaginable? Let alone the adults who’ve let this happen because they were too terrified to stand up to the bureaucrats and their army of COVID snitches?

Having terrified a generation of children, the panicked policies which diverted medical resources from everything but the Wuhan virus mean that these kids are being left with no treatment option but drugs.

More than 27,000 children were prescribed antidepressants last year, the figures show, with numbers peaking during the first lockdown, and two thirds of cases involving girls.

Overall, the figure was 40 per cent higher than five years ago, when 19,739 children were prescribed such drugs.

Experts said growing numbers of children were being medicated, because waiting lists for help from psychologists and psychiatrists were too long.

Earlier this week, The Telegraph revealed waits of up to four years in some parts of the country, amid warnings that 1.5 million children will need mental health treatment as a direct result of the pandemic[…]

NHS figures show a 28 per cent rise in children being referred to mental health services between April and December 2020, amounting to 80,000 more cases.

The number in need of urgent or emergency crisis care, including checks to see if children were so unwell they were putting themselves at risk, rose by 18 per cent, compared with 2019.

The Telegraph

I really hope it was all worth buying all those 80 and 90 year olds with chronic health problems a few extra weeks.

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