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Who did the readers give a good old Kiwi roasting this week?

Last weeks most read post was Jacinda’s Popularity in Freefall by Christie so Jacinda is, therefore, the subject of this Sunday’s political roast.

LesleyNZ started the roast by blaming Ardern’s freefall on Winston Peters.

And she is taking NZ along with her in her popularity freefall and all we can do is helplessly watch on the sideline. The only person to blame for this is Winston Peters. His personal utu and revenge and hatred for the National Party is now personally costing all of us – not only economically but socially and in terms of our personal everyday freedoms.

Next in line for a slice of the action was shoehorn.

and most of our emission are good emission, clean pure c02 from cows…why we punish for it is beyond me.?
Is it obvious? she used the tragedy to milk popularity, done on a hijab, twice now.
will she get a moko when visit the ihumatoes? […]

The Grampus took a good serving of meat and potatoes with this observation:

I believe Alan Turing above hit the nail on the head when saying she is extraordinarily badly advised. Unable to really think for heself and possibly marginal in the IQ stakes she is unfortunately surrounded by people who see her for what she is – an easily manipulated figurehead. Unions, hard left, Marxists, anyone with a sob story. H1 and H2 in the background pushing her toward the UN. Criminal sexual misconduct swept under the carpet. The country’s backbone – oil and gas and farming – under the axe.
She is exactly the Leader labour want, one incapable of having a realistic point of view and even if she did have, utterly incapable of fighting for it.

Lots of readers agreed with Karma who poured the gravy saying…

I’d say most conversations with her are difficult, because no one can understand what she says. She talks in riddles

Marquis de Condercet added some peas observing that…

You can fool some of the people half the time but not all the people all of the time . Mind you she’s not helped by Little – the disturbing man – Twyford the real fool – Nash and his bad temper swearing at Air NZ staff – should I go on. No it’s really Ardern leadership which is taking the hit and will pull the others further down with her.

Boondecker cleaned the plate when he said…

Every politician eventually gets stale and fades away. Even the most popular. Ardern has just managed to do both exceptionally quickly. No surprises there.
What it does prove however is she was nothing but a badly painted facade for the struggling wreck Labour Party. Mind you, we should also remind ourselves every day that most voters at the time actually, in reality, saw that and didn’t vote for her and the lefties. They were toast. MMP, and its ability to ruin fair elections for winners is to blame.
I appreciate we’re all celebrating her demise in the popularity polls (erroneously fake as polls are anyway) but in essence she will soon be just yesterday’s news.

Today’s Sunday Roast was brought to you by the Whale Meat Company.

The Whale Meat Company introduces the non-Halal Pig out pack


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A jury at the Auckland High Court has found Dr Philip Polkinghorne not guilty of killing his wife, Pauline Hanna, in their Remuera home in April 2021. 

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