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Sunshine Through the Interstices

It is all the usual left-wing echo chamber. Broke lefty media people and loser socialist politicians are trying to pimp the poor.

Photo by Ethan Rougon / Unsplash

Living here in paradise on the Taieri Plains, south of Dunedin, with a view of the iconic Saddle Hill in the distance and safe from crime, poverty, taxation, ‘diversity’, liberals, wokeness and other rubbish, there are times I think perhaps I am ‘missing something’ that comprises day to day life for most people. Just such an occurrence has arisen that both astonished me and leaves me wondering what all the fuss is about.

We all hear this constant whining and moaning from left wingers and poor people about the cost of living: how it is apparently so difficult for ordinary folk to make ends meet (oh and it is all Chris Luxon’s fault). Last Saturday, I did a simple search asking ‘average household income NZ’ and was very surprised to discover the figure is $132,812.

Now I would not claim any propinquity with the mindset, values, or daily problems of city folk; they are welcome to it. But even someone as out of touch as I has difficulty seeing how the average man in the street cannot make ends meet with 2500 dollars sailing into the bank every week. Assuming deductions for income taxes, that is 2000 dollars he has to spend. Every week. Every single week. This is just the ‘average’ – the mediocre man and his family – which means there is a sizable slice of the population with considerably more cheesecake than that to enjoy.

Seems to me we are actually a far richer country than I had hitherto realised; therefore, what, exactly, is the problem?

Now, I am fully aware there is a bottom 20 per cent of the population. However, a quick telephone call to Restaurant Brands this morning resulted in assurances they’re not closing any Kentucky Fried Chicken stores, so even the underclass are not particularly poor.

My investigations into New Zealand living standards demonstrates we as a nation are not short of readies. What we do have, insofar as there are any problems whatsoever, is an expenditure problem. One presumes large numbers of fellas are not spending their 2000 dollars per week on the right things, or they are trying to live a lifestyle they don’t deserve or cannot afford. They need to reduce their expenditure on unnecessary items and live within their means. It is easy enough to do.

The other thing this demonstrates is it is all the usual left-wing echo chamber bubble. Broke lefty media people and loser socialist politicians are trying to pimp the poor. The left wingers think everyone is paying attention: heartbroken at the way a cruel National government is hurting the poor, Labour’s Chris Hipkins will be elected as PM again in 2026. In reality, nobody cares, nobody is paying attention and most people actually have quite a high standard of living – far higher than at the turn of the century.
