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Surge in Anti-Police Violence Linked to BLM

A police officer is viciously beaten by a black mob in Hackney. The BFD.

The latest eructation from Australia’s very own Ministries of Truth is that Islamic terrorism will no longer be called Islamic terrorism. Instead, it’s all “religiously-motivated violent extremism” – y’know, because of all those Amish terror attacks. At the same time, the Chief Spook, who has been issuing dire warnings about “far-right extremism”, is also sweeping everything under the blanket of “ideologically-motivated violent extremism”.

Supposedly this is because some extremists defy easy pigeon-holing. Which is kinda-sorta true, in some cases. On the other hand, it’s hard to shake the nagging doubt that this is a move designed to hide the fact that some “right-wing extremists” actually seem suspiciously left-wing. Even harder to shake is the suspicion that this move will allow indisputably left-wing extremism to be swept under the cover in the same way as Islamic extremism.

After all, Australian authorities have previously refused to even designate as “terrorism” a plainly terrorist act committed by an undeniable left-winger. Other violent left-wing extremists get a completely free pass as well. Notably, Black Lives Matter. While it would seem a wholly American phenomenon, leftists are nothing if not slavish faddists. So naturally Australia’s sheep-like left jumped straight on the bandwagon.

So it might be pertinent to question why ASIO apparently isn’t at all concerned about the rise in Australia of a violent, left-wing extremist group. After all, BLM are racial supremacists, far-left extremists and loony conspiracy theorists. Their movement has been directly responsible for hundreds of massive, violent riots, which have resulted in billions of dollars in property damage and dozens of murders – many directly motivated by racial hate. BLM is also directly linked to a dramatic escalation in violence against police around the world.

Assaults on Metropolitan Police officers rose by nearly 40 per cent during the Chinese coronavirus lockdown in London, with Scotland Yard pointing to violent protests and street-parties-turned-riots as the main driver of the rise in attacks.

The Met said that between May and July, there were 2,027 attacks on officers in the British capital, representing a 38 per cent jump over the same period last year […] The figures also revealed that in the year leading up to July 2020, 6,668 police officers were attacked, which is also a 16 per cent rise over the previous year.
A police officer is viciously beaten by a black mob in Hackney. The BFD.

Remember, this was at a time when Britain, especially London, was in COVID lockdown.

In June, Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage said that he thinks law and order will be the defining issue of the decade, as Brexit defined the last.

Farage warned that there is “a growing racial divide because people will not be put up with being dictated to by a Marxist organisation called ‘Black Lives Matter’. It just doesn’t work.”

“The sheer extent to which, now, people are regularly victims of crimes, and yet they now have got to the point where they hardly even bother to report them,” Farage noted.

“There has been a massive explosion in crime. It manifests itself in all sorts of different ways. Some of it is physical, violent assault. Some of it is theft. Some of it is fraud,” he explained.

Mr Farage made the comments in the wake of a ‘street party’ turned riot in Brixton, which saw police flee after a “hostile crowd” of thugs chased them down, with one even apparently wielding a sword.


Perhaps British police could try being less woke and spend less time spying on people’s social media posts or flaming it up at “Pride” parades?

In the meantime, the evidence is clear that BLM is a left-wing excrescence of ASIO’s “ideologically-motivated violent extremism”.

Just don’t hold your breath waiting for the spooks or the coppers to crack down on these racist thugs.

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