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Surprise, Surprise: Another COVID Stuff-up in Victoria

The clown car that is Victoria. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Another day, another story of staggering COVID incompetence in Victoria.

No matter what the “IStandWithDan” fanatics might say, there’re damn good reasons why Victoria is far and away the COVID capital of Australia – and they all lead straight to the government and the state bureaucracy.

Hiring quarantine staff over WhatsApp and giving them “Diversity and Inclusion” training, but not basic PPE instruction. Storing medical waste in open bins in public carparks. Health bureaucrats blithely ignoring basic protocol.

Is there anything else Victoria could possibly stuff up?

You bet.

A leaked Victorian Government audit found that almost 50 per cent of hospital isolation rooms in the state failed to meet ventilation guidelines.

The audit of ventilation systems in Victorian hospitals, commissioned last year after the COVD-19 pandemic caused lockdowns in Victoria, was never released to the public, but it has now been seen by the ABC.

Gee, I wonder why it was never made public?

Last year, more than 4,000 hospital workers in Victoria, were infected with COVID-19.

And 11 per cent of all hospitalised COVID patients in Victoria contracted the illness in hospital, according to the Victorian Department of Health.

The audit was commissioned late last year after health workers and patients became infected with COVID-19 at hospitals.

It also revealed almost 40 per cent of hospital wards failed air filtration guidelines[…]

Professor Jason Monty, a ventilation expert at the department of mechanical engineering at the University of Melbourne, said he thought the public would be surprised to learn just how little ventilation there was in hospitals.

Some of us are hardly surprised at all to learn of yet more incompetence in Victoria’s public system.

At the height of the pandemic, there were not enough isolation rooms, so some COVID patients were housed in general wards.

The audit revealed that while most of the wards had adequate ventilation for general use, almost 85 per cent failed the standards for isolation.

Professor Monty said some regular wards were modified to take COVID-19 patients.

“The hospitals had to urgently change over regular wards to what they call ‘hot wards’, where they had COVID patients,” he said.

ABC Australia

Remember: Victoria only suffered its “second wave” because the Victorian government so monumentally screwed up its hotel quarantine. Over 90% of the subsequent infections were linked directly to hotel quarantine in the state.

Should it really surprise anyone that Dan Andrews’s Victoria stuffed up, yet again?

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